guards. And here.. It is necessary to carefully check Mak-sim's background. Massarakhsh.. So what do yo need eventually, corporal. Mr. captain I believe he is suitable for the guard. He is like a brother to me. But I don't know his past. He has no documents at all. And he don't remember anything. I am ineligible to hide it. Two thirds of our territory wallow in anarchy. There are starvation and epidemic. People running away from there. And no one have documents. The department of Public Health let him through! - But the depar.. - But me no buts.. We are in the guard. And not at a philosophical faculty. Either you recommend.. or not, choose one. You did well! The guardsman is to trust the friend.. entirely. Don't worry. I am myself.. look after him. They are saying some random patriotic guard's motto. After me.. At the double.. Go on. Go after me.. Unit, take aim. Advance for two figures. Unit Fire Advance for three.. three figures. Unit Advance for three figures. Fire Don't ever do this again Everyone make a mistakes. I am your officer, you here to obey, not to correct. An what if you are wrong? Listen to me.. For the benefit of discipline don't try to be knowledgeable. What is specific demographic pressure? It's a measure of aggression. What is SDP at the border with Hon state. 116 standard units. It means that there is always war readiness. What about mouth of Blue Snake? 115 with inaccuracy of 0.4 Gai, you lose an argument. He memorized the book in half an hour. Wait a sec. I don't know why.. Why what.. Why do Hon and Pandei hate you so? Because before the war.. We were single nation.. Because they are our former provinces. And they hate us just because they and us.. have the same history. They want desert similar to southern here. Gai, you lose an argument. And dress yourself, please. What is cereals harvest.. in north-west regions? They don't cultivate cereals in north-west regions. It's over, Gai. Go under the table and sing. Gai, stop it already. Go under the table. You are big bloke. Gai! Here yo go, breadwinner.. You can feed you family with bare hands. You can't eat it, it's too polluted. We mustn't fish here at all. But we still fished with father. It was long ago.. Take it. There were somehow different in the past. Maybe the world were kinder. A people were smiling. Like you.. And we have clean rivers We have a seas and lakes. This color I like the most. My mom told me similar story about magic mountain country Zarta. It's sort of happy country. There are only kind people. Maybe you are from that magic country. In fact, I am from Moscow. But no one believe me here. Are you feel homesick? I do. But above all my poor parents.. It had been told to them that I died. But wait.. Maybe you will make this.. yours.. null-transferrer with a.. spira -.. you know what I mean. Well. Because we are.. Ready to checkout. Don't move from your positions. Attention, first unit - follow me. First triplet after me. Rest will stay here. Don't allow anyone out, take them alive. Come here. Where are you going? Forward!Don't move! Catch him. The lock. After me! Forward! Don't soot, take them alive. And where is another? When you'll finish there came up to me. A rickety abomination. A trash.. A rubbish. Do a search! Lay them on the floor here.. And this dame too.. Wt the fuck. Take away this carrion. Check the floors. Candidate Sim.. I am. Why did you drop a weapon? You have commanded not to shoot. Mr. captain.. Yes sir. You commanded not to shoot, Mr. captain. So.. If I have commanded to shut up, then you'll bite off your tongue? Yes, sir. Mr. captain. Allow me to report. Operation is conducting successfully. Residents are rendering feasible assistance. As always.. All right. Deal with those half-dead. And they are people too.. They have wives, they ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Справка на английском - текст Молчаливое бегство на английском - текст Полуночная жара на английском - текст Мой друг Иван Лапшин на английском - текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Кровавая надпись на английском |