world. They think the world is the otherway around. We don't live on the inside of the sphere, but the outside. And the sphere kind of floats in space. Massaraksh, that's the World Inside Out theoy. Vey interesting indeed. Nowwhywould such a man get involved with freaks... ...knock out towers, ...and kill people? They lied to him. They said the towers emitted rays. And he believed them. - Ridiculous. -Yes. Crazy people say they are hit by rays. That's quite true. Tell me: He's alive, isn't he? Yes, l think so -yes. And l think that vey soon we'll meet him. You and l. l'd also like to know about the inside-out world. l need to find a common language with him. l hope you'll help me. You will help me, won't you? No. l won't help you. Rada Gaal, second level. Move! Mak! Mak! Mak! Mak! Mak! Mak! Maxim! - Massaraksh. - Don't shout. -You couldn't reply? - l didn't hearyou. There's a radio. l didn't know you had such powerFul radios. Radios. l nearlywent mad, and you're... Massaraksh! Our intelligence operated like clockwork. They didn't give our enemies a chance... get a foothold in our county. Massaraksh! Take it easy. Keep calm, Gai. Mak... Mak, did you see that? What's wrong with them? You were going to make a deal with them? You want to bring them to us, Mak? - Answer. - l don't want anything. And stop yelling at me! You're to blame, massaraksh! You destroyed and robbed, and turned into beasts. What am l to do with you? What? What? Do you know? Tell me! l know! l can't bring in anyone. Gai, let's go. A patrol. Shoot in the air- quick! - Let's steal transport! - No. The stoy is that you were taken by the mutants and l saved you. - So we go back to the rays? - No, l mean, yes. lt won't be like before. Not good, but better than it was. Why do you need this? On the radio they said war has begun. We attacked the Khonti or they attacked us. Not anotherwar! Damn you all! Damn you all to hell! Calm down! We have to survive. Amnesty and eveyone to the front: Criminals, political and militay prisoners. You're in a penal brigade. We need to get in the same brigade. -What's your unit? - Second penal brigade, unit four. -And then? - Then l save you and Rada. Drop yourweapon! Roamer, it's Fank. Evemhing's set to poison the water. Tonight. Where is she? Where's the bitch going? Don't shoot! Take them alive! Get up! You're a brave girl. Nice to meet you. l'm Fank. Amnesty. Conscripted. Amnesty. Conscripted. Amnesty. Amnesty. Conscripted. Mak Sim. Amnesty. My brother is a corporal in penal brigade two. Brigade two, unit four... You see? Don't you? Brigade two, unit four. Conscripted. So, Rada Gaal has been taken from the State Prosecutor... and is with us, in our Cystal Swan complex... ...totally isolated from the world. That's all on Mak's case. Good. - This war confused my plans. -Yes. l have to leave. Mak has to be here on my return. Let him know, vey subtly: Rada Gaal's fate depends on him. - Security? - None. - There's no point. - Tail him? Vey subtle. On second thought - no. Don't scare him. Give him ajob and put him to work. Do evemhing so he likes it here. Massaraksh. To leave at such a time... You're free to go. Roamer, may l ask one question? Yes. Tell me: Who is he? And why do you want him? l'm afraid of him. He's a vey, vey dangerous man. l can't! Trains are made of steel, not elastic! lef! - Mak! -Which brigade? Maxim! You're alive! -Which brigade? - Brigade two, unit four. - Mak! - Brigade two, unit four. Got it. On Track Two! Line up! Listen to me! lf one ofyou runners opens his mouth, l order to shoot. Soldiers! Prisoners! l'm not wrong! l address you as soldiers. Although you're still just the crap of society. Thugs and goons. - Come on. - Be grateful. We'll see you in battle today. The Fathers send you into battle. Almost all ofyou will die. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Остаться в живых (Затерянные) - Сезон 2 на английском - текст В ночи на английском - текст Чайковский на английском - текст Соседские мальчишки на английском - текст Война на английском |