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re not gonna
do anything till you hearfrom us?
Okay. Come on.
You don't believe me,
I love you, Charley.
Hey, Amy, come on!
Mr. Vincent,
could we talk to you for a moment?
I'm afraid now
is not the best time.
It's very important.
Well, if you would just...
wait there for one moment--
Come in!
What can I do for you?
An autograph, perhaps?
Perhaps an interview
for your school newspaper?
I'm afraid this is
much more important.
What could be more important
than my autograph?
Saving a boy's life.
Oh. Yes.
I can see where that
could be more important.
Perhaps you would care to explain.
Remember a fruitcake kid
named Charley Brewster?
He said he saw you.
The one who believes
a vampire lives next to him.
Oh, yes.
You know, he is insane.
Oh, my dear...
I do hope he's not
a friend of yours.
Yeah, she's got the hots
for the creep.
We need your help to stop him.
He really believes
his next-door neighbour is a vampire...
and he's planning to kill him.
With a stake through the heart.
Are you two serious?
Oh, my dear.
Your friend needs a psychiatrist,
not a vampire killer.
- Please, MrVincent.
- I'm afraid not.
You see, Hollywood beckons.
I have just been offered
a starring role in a major film.
I have even had to quit
Fright Night.
- I'll give you money.
- How much?
I have a $500 savings bond.
I'll take it.
Now, how are we going to cure
your little friend...
ofthis delusion?
I got it all figured out.
We all go next door
to the neighbour...
and you perform some kind of
vampire test on him...
to pronounce him human.
You know.
Like in Orgy ofthe Damned?
Where you looked in the mirror...
the guy didn't have a reflection,
so then you knew he was a vampire.
Oh, yes.
That was one
of my favourite roles.
Do you know...
I still...
have the prop.
It's for you.
Yes, this is jerry Dandrige.
I see.
Well, yes, of course.
I'm always willing
to help young people...
but I'm afraid that crosses
are out ofthe question.
You see,
I've been reborn recently.
He's a reborn Christian.
He thinks crosses
would be sacrilegious.
- Ask him how he feels about holy water.
- How about holy water?
No. Won't do either.
Tell him it's ordinary tap water.
All he has to do is sip it.
Oh, yes. Yes. Okay.
That sounds fine.
But don't bring him over
until 6:00 tomorrow.
I'll be out until then.
Seems we don't have to go out
tonight after all.
His friends are bringing him over
tomorrow night...
to prove to him that I'm not...
a vampire.
It's 6:.1 0. He said
he was gonna be here at 6:00.
He said he'd be here.
He'll be here.
Here he comes!
Thank you.
Charley Brewster, I presume.
PeterVincent, vampire killer.
I cannot tell you
how much I appreciate this.
Good evening.
Now, down to business.
Where is the lair ofthe suspected
creature ofthe night?
Oh, yes.
I see what you mean.
There is
a distinct possibility.
Now, shall we go?
Where's your stakes and hammers?
I left them in my bag.
You're not going in there
without them.
But I have to prove that he is a vampire
before I kill him, Charley.
Look, I know he's a vampire!
I am the one
who has to know, Charley.
How are you gonna do that?
This is holy water.
If a drop touches him,
he will blister.
I have asked him to drink it...
while we all watch.
He readily agreed.
But if I'm right and you prove
he is a vampire...
he'll kill us all.
No, hewon't, Charley.
After all, I am here to protect you,
and I am PeterVincent!
I know, MrVincent, but--
Hey! PeterVincent.
Billy Cole.
This is a pleasure.
Won't you all come in?
And Charley.
Hey,jer! They're here.
Perhaps he didn't hear you.
He heard me, all right.
I've seen all your films...
and I've found them...
very amusing.
Oh. Thank you.
And who are these two...
attractive young people?
Ed Thompson.
Amy Peterson.
Isn't that what vampires
are supposed to do, Charley?
Ночь страха Ночь страха

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- текст Бродвейская мелодия на английском
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- текст Тайна железной двери на английском
- текст Серые волки на английском
- текст Чебурашка и Крокодил Гена на английском

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