Iiquor! BeautifuI! You're... aII sort of siIvery. My bad taste can't be heIped. You don't counseI me in my dressing anymore. No, it fits you weII. I shouIdn't've said anything. I need to taIk to you. Go ahead. Did you know I was to go too? Yes. -You were against it? - Right guess. Oh... Lara? ShaII we dance? Of course, we'II dance, Max. To bad, there's no music. Never mind, I Iove it without music as weII. You Iook sad. And I'm sad. I'd better be going. Go... But I want to teII you this. Don't Iisten to him, Iisten to me. You're going to be okay. You think so? I have an intuition. What I say, aIways comes true. You just have to be very strong. Then everything wiII be very good. They aII wiII envy and take afteryou. I promise you that. You beIieve me? You? Yes. She Ieft me, you know that. -What? - Bye. FareweII and forever... Why're you saying goodbye, as if it's forever. Hey, there's one thing I forgot to ask you. What? Look... couId you pIease expIain how do you get them up, those pIanes? Gotcha! Ok, I rememberyou now. Don't just stand there, run after him and kiss him Iike your piIot... You must be a psycho or something. I am not offended. Strange and unusuaI, aren't you? I am, and you want someone normaI. I try hard but I faiI to suit you. But it's not right to prefer normaIity but I'm not hurt. Not everybody is strong. He asked you for heIp, didn't he? His troubIes are not mine. I never asked for heIp. You sound as if you've never Iost anything in your Iife. No, I haven't. What faIIs off, must faII off and die. It must be some defect in you - that you're so coId, that you don't feeI sorry for Iiving peopIe. Life is so frighteningIy short, and peopIe, they are so... mortaI, so heIpIess. And under every suit there's a heart beating, and we're aII so... temporary... - Hi. - Hi. So quiet here, why don't we turn some music on? - Good bye. - See you. - PIease Ieave! -Just Iike that, ha?! I'm Ieaving. -What's up? - I dropped my purse! Everything... Powder-case, eye shadow, everything I had, is broken! It's sad... -What've you done to her? - Nothing. I asked for water, gave the gIass back - and she was in tears. Women! Maybe there's some tragedy? But so suddenIy. It's turbuIence. Come on. Nothing to be so upset about. Ijust hate it, that with me he's not a man. - I understand. - He just doesn't care. With me, he doesn't behave Iike a man. But I seIdom cry. Want to know my secret? I cry when somebody who's cIose to me is going to die. Jesus, why, then? Don't cry! You don't want our captain to die! I don't know, onIy this is an omen with me. Let me give you my new powder. I toId myseIf: I'm going to cry - and did. And he got frightened. I feIt so very sorry for myseIf, so unhappy! For my 30th birthday he gave me nothing... substantiaI. It must've been a whiIe ago? I wasn't going to give a party. But no one cared. And now it hit me, and I thought, Ijust have to cry. I feIt so negIected. You, too, gave me nothing good for my 30th anniversary. I wiII, I promise. You are aIways given things, and I buy them myseIf, and have to be skimpy. I too, buy everything myseIf. You don't save up! You throw money away. Do you save? Yes! Want to know how much I managed to put aside? WeII, how much? I won't teII you. I see. So when wiII you give me something for my birthday? Here! It's new, worn just once. You aIways give me worn-once things. - I'm used to it. - Sorry. I promise, I'II think of something eIse Iater! But you find some nice guy who'II give you things because you're just the right woman! I'm the right woman! But I onIy get presents from you! You see, I feeI so-o bad about how he treats me. I wonder when am I going to meet Mr.Right? I wonder if I shouId take your powder? - Of course! Here, take it. - Thanks. Hi, I'II be there soon. HeIIo... Coming down. Yes. Why didn't you ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Приключения Хомы на английском - текст Распутник на английском - текст Сто дней после детства на английском - текст Варвара-краса, длинная коса на английском - текст Амадей на английском |