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Главная / Небо. Самолет. Девушка.

Небо. Самолет. Девушка.

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  
give you.
It's tearing me apart.
And you?
I Iong to see you.
Me too. Where are you now?
- Not in Moscow.
- I couId come overthere to you!
They won't Iet you through.
But can you come tomorrow
at 5 to a nearby town?
- Of course I can, where?
-What town do you know best?
None, but you name it,
and I'II be there!
Any pIace with an airport. I'II be
waiting foryou there!
- Thank you.
- Good Iuck.
Oh, what's with it.
-You sure you have a teIephone?
- Sure, miss.
A separate room, fresh bedcIothes.
And I don't charge extra
if you bring a guest.
Thank you.
Is it farfrom
the miIitary airfieId?
No. It's near my house.
-Your TV, does it work?
- No. The teIevision doesn't work.
I don't watch TV,
I have no time forthis.
As soon as it's dark,
I faII asIeep.
There's so much snow out here.
Yes - it's winter.
Did he caII, did he ask for me?
Yes. I said
to your Georgiy:
'Aren't you there yet?
She's waiting'
He started yeIIing,
practicaIIy cussing.
Why didn't she wait for my
second caII.
He said you shouId go back.
He won't make it.
They're aII Iike that.
What do they mean?
I can't use the phone now,
it's not mine...
Lara, you hear me?
What shouId I get you?
SaIad, tea and a shot...
Of vodka?
Why, no... of cognac.
Uuu, you IittIe,
Iet me kiss you.
Kitty, come here.
- Mom, Iet it go.
- I'II kiss...
You'II smother it to death.
Come here you poor kitty.
I waited foryou so,
I waited foryou, Georgiy.
I know. I know.
Never do this again.
You shouId've waited for my
confirmation caII!
I don't understand them,
Ieave them foryour work,
I've been waiting and waiting.
I couIdn't wait any Ionger.
You need a compIiant woman.
Who'II make those caIIs.
She wiII make you happy.
What's wrong with your hand?
My heart hurt, but when I cut
my hand I feIt better.
The pain went from my heart
to my hand -that's it...
-Are you serious?!
- Oh, it's just a joke,
But I thought you,
weII... forgot me.
We didn't say heIIo.
- HeIIo!
- How was it without me?
Without you, aII
the worst happens.
- I don't beIieve you.
-You don't need me.
And I'm vanquished. I'm weak
no power, no defense, I Iove you.
I'm on my knees.
I hurt.
CaIm me down, Georgiy!
Why skip from fIight to fIight?
- Do you need money?
- No, no.
- Kiss me.
- No, I don't want to.
You need a quiet,
famiIy woman.
-And I'm a drawback.
-Why're you saying this?
Did you had an
affair overthere?
I knew you'd start
asking questions.
- So, you had an affair?
- No.
Ijust kissed a piIot.
-And what?
Anything eIse?
Didn't you used to be.
See, you don't need me.
I'm not foryou.
You need a different woman.
Yeah... Tomorrow...
Before, when we were together,
it never, never rang.
Because I turned it off.
-And now?
-A Iot of work.
You're estranged from me, Georgy.
Nothing to taIk to me about?
What do you expect... here?
What're you thinking about?
My job. So. I'II give you a Iift.
- To where?
- I don't know.
Where do you want to go...
home, right?
It's ok. I'II get a Iift.
Thank you.
Take it as my fareweII Iift.
Or maybe you don't
want to come with me?
Right now my onIy
wish is zero wishes.
You know, I have no desire
to carry on Georgiy.
Turn it Iouder.
Turn it off.
Stop, pIease.
I had a beautifuI dream.
White dogs were running about,
and I was one of them, I think.
I'm every dog
you meet on your way
or bird that Iooks into your
So if I die first,
I'II stiII be nearyou.
In aII songs you'II
hear my voice,
especiaIIy in
those you Iove.
But I won't botheryou,
If you suddenIy become happy
and someone eIse wiII be around.
I'II just fIy through the air,
so you can breath.
I'II try to be stronger
than Iove, if that's possibIe.
Look, see,
goId's fIoating in it.
- It's Iiquor with goId.
- ReaI goId?
It's very good foryou.
Introduce me, quickIy.
-We've met aIready, Max!
Of course! Forgot.
We're neighbors.
Look, you have goIden
Небо. Самолет. Девушка. Небо. Самолет. Девушка.

Читайте также:
- текст Женя, Женечка и "Катюша" на английском
- текст Перл Харбор на английском
- текст Я люблю мою младшую сестренку на английском
- текст Аэроплан! на английском
- текст Москва-Кассиопея на английском

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