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Главная / Небо. Самолет. Девушка.

Небо. Самолет. Девушка.

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respect you forthis very
very much!
And how is your work going?
Why're you whispering?
Is someone Iistening?
-Yes, in a way...
- I see.
You must be having fun?
No fun, just two of us, me and...
Don't bother.
I need no detaiIs.
If we're together a few days,
You have to Iisten to me.
Don't return Iate and
don't shower every day!
Why not wash myseIf?
That's why you catch coId!
You wash off your protection.
So, now we'II Iive
happiIy ever after!
That piIIow, it's used?
The purse is dirty, too.
Move the cup. You'II step on it!
What a chiIIy room that Iady
gave us...
She hated us right away.
For our beauty.
I don't think she did
it on purpose.
What'd you know! Now, pick
up that shawI...
It'II get dirty.
Lara, you don't take
care of things!
How are you going to Iive!
You're not picky.
No, I'm not picky.
Anyone can come up to me.
I don't feeI Iike
taIking to you right now,
but I do, out of poIiteness.
This curtain on the window...
- ...makes me feeI better.
- Hush.
-Just sIightIy.
-You hear? He is coming.
I feeI him!
And you don't.
And I don't.
We're stuck for Iong.
Where's Lara?
Want to know how I knew
about the fire?
I went to the toiIet,
turned the water on,
and it spurted on the waIIs,
they're metaI
and so hot, they hiss!
The pIane rocked, I was
thrown against the waII and
got burnt through my jacket!
The passengers had no idea
that ourtaiI was on fire!
You were great, Mousie!
How Iong are we stuck for?
- For a coupIe of days.
- UnbearabIy Iong!
But I am happy.
This morning I came to pick you up,
but you spent the night out...
- Did you not sIeep for many days?
- I don't make a secret of it.
It's just that...
I want to know why you
taIked me tenderIy.
When, AIexeiushka?
Why those presents for
Christmas and my birthday?
I'm tender and
give presents to everyone...
and you're such a nice person.
I see.
Again, nothing good
with us. No stabiIity.
-What are you taIking about?
- Suffering's betterthan hope,
As if unfaithfuIness
can be forgiven...
It's strongerthan you.
When it's Iove you forgive
anything, except
when you're not
Ioved in return.
nothing makes sense.
You're wrong!
You're the kindest, the most
handsome and nobIe piIot in the worId.
but you need someone eIse...
not me, I mean.
But if I have a friend
in this worId - it's you.
- Someone eIse?
-WeII you'II meet other...
...kind hearts.
Want some tea?
Mousie bought very nice cups,
just for such an occasion.
Because of you I'm aII...
weak, aII over.
We shouIdn't taIk
Like this at night...
ActuaIIy I want to kiss you.
Sort of goodnight.
Does that scare you?
You know there's no other
girI Iike you.
You are the best girI in Moscow
and its outskirts.
You're an empty-headed girI
you'II bIow your Iife away!
You're Iike an oId woman!
I heard everything.
If just, for once stop
smiIing, then you wouId
refIect upon yourfinaIe -
and die!
How beautifuIIy put...
refIecting upon a finaIe...
Every woman's duty is
to get married.
And you, you wiII be
aIways aIone, aIways.
AII right, aII right.
Now teII me about this Georgiy,
what is he?
Is he weII-off?
- ReaIIy?
- Is he fat?
- No, he's very handsome.
Has he caIIed you here?
But... I'II drop him, I wiII...
He doesn't Iove me.
I now totaIIy Iack
seIf-discipIine. And pride.
But I'II drop him, I wiII.
OnIy, sometimes he puts
his head in my Iap,
and, it seems, he needs me.
And I feeI sorry for him.
Now, Lara.
Don't Ieave him then,
don't Ieave him.
-You think so?
- Of course.
And if he's so rich,
ask him to
Iend me some money,
I need a IittIe more.
I've been saving up.
But I'm aIone. There's no
one to heIp, it's so hard.
Mom's in a different city,
I have to send her money.
WiII you ask him?
Ask him, pIease.
- HeIIo! Is it you?
-Yes, it's me.
That's very good.
I've been thinking
what present to
Небо. Самолет. Девушка. Небо. Самолет. Девушка.

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- текст Повелители вселенной на английском
- текст С собой не унесешь на английском
- текст Человек-Амфибия на английском
- текст Новый мир на английском
- текст Операция 'Ы' и другие приключения Шурика на английском

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