always did have a way with women. Get the hell out of my car, old man. You want to marry that girl? I can help make it happen. - Who are you, Miss Lonely-hearts? - Just get in the car, butthead. Who are you calling butthead, butthead? How did you do that? Nobody can start this car but me. Get in the car, Tannen. Today's your lucky day. Watch where you're driving, old man. If you dent this car, I'll kill you. - This cost me $300! - Would you shut up about the car? - How do you know where I live? - Let's just say we're related, Biff. That being the case, I got a present for you. Something that'll make you rich. - You want to be rich, don't you? - Yeah. Sure. Right. That's rich. You're going to make me rich? You see this book? This book tells the future. Tells the results of every major sports event till the end of this century. Football, baseball, horseraces, boxing. The information in here is worth millions, and I'm giving it to you. That's very nice. Thank you very much. Now, why don't you make like a tree and get out of here? It's leave, you idiot. Make like a tree and leave. You sound like a fool when you say it wrong. All right, leave. And take your book with you. Don't you get it? You could make a fortune with this book. Let me show you. UCLA trails 17-16. It's 4th and 11 with only 18 seconds left of this game. I'd say it's all over for UCLA. Bet you a million bucks UCLA wins it 19-17. - What are you, deaf? It's over. You lost. - Yeah? Here comes Decker with the kick. It's up and looks good. Ball's in the clear. Field goal! UCLA wins 19-17. Listen to that Coliseum crowd go wild. Jim Decker... All right. What's the gag? How did you know what the score would be? I told you, it's in this book. All you got to do is bet on the winner, and you'll never lose. All right. I'll take a look at it. You damn fool! Never leave this book laying around. Don't you have a safe? No, you don't have a safe. Get a safe. Keep it locked up. Until then, keep it on you. - What are you doing? - Don't tell anybody, either. There's one more thing. One day, a kid or a crazy old man... ...who claims to be a scientist is going to come around asking... I'm trapped. Doc. Doc, come in. - What's the report? - Biff's gone. He's got the book. I'm locked in Biff's garage. Get me the hell out of here. I'm at 1809 Mason Street. I can't take the DeLorean. Don't worry. Somehow I'll get there. Doc, wait a minute. Doc. Doc. Perfect. Biff! Where are you going now? I told you, Grandma, I'm going to the dance. - When you coming home? - The dance. I'll get home when I get home. Don't forget to turn out the garage light. Marty. Marty! Marty. Marty, Marty. Damn! Where is that kid? Doc. Doc, come in. Come in, Doc. Marty! Come in. Doc. Marty. My... Great Scott. My God. Doc, Doc, come in. Marty, what happened? You weren't at Biff's house. I'm in Biff's car, heading for the Enchantment Under The Sea dance. We may have to abort this entire plan. It's getting much too dangerous. The book's on his dashboard. I'll grab it when we arrive. You must be careful not to run into your other self. - My other self? - Yes. Remember your mother is at that exact same dance with you. - Right. This could get heavy, Doc. - Heavy, heavy. Whatever happens, don't let your other self see you! - The consequences could be disastrous. - Excuse me, sir. Yes, you with the hat. - Who, me? - Yes. Be a pal and hand me a five-eighths inch wrench from the toolbox. Five-eighths? Don't you mean three-quarters? Why, you're right. I presume you're conducting some sort of weather experiment. That's right. How did you know that? I happen to have had a little experience in this area. I'm hoping to see some lightning tonight... ...although the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Стенка на стенку на английском - текст Ранняя весна на английском - текст Звёздный путь 4: Путешествие домой на английском - текст Хлеб, золото, наган на английском - текст Звёздный путь 3: В поисках Спока на английском |