thought I saw a taxi. I thought it was following us. I can't believe this window's still broken. When the repairman called Daddy a chicken... ...Daddy threw him out of the house. Now nobody will fix it. Look how worn out this is. Your father's biggest problem is that he loses all self-control... ...when someone calls him chicken. How often have we heard it? "Mom, I can't let him think I'm chicken." You're right. Well, you're right! About 30 years ago, your father tried to prove he wasn't chicken. He ended up in an automobile accident. With the Rolls-Royce? Automobile accident. All right, Einie, let's find Jennifer. I live in Hilldale? This is great! Stay here, change clothes. If I need you, I'll holler. I want to check out my house. We can't risk you running into your older self. Einie, let's go. Hilldale. This is bitchin'. One, seven, four point five zero. That will be $17 4.50. Here. Be careful in this neighborhood. Where's my receipt? Right here. How about a tip? That accident caused a chain reaction, sending Marty's life down the tubes. Otherwise, your father's life would have turned out differently. The man wouldn't have pressed charges... ...Marty wouldn't have broken his hand, given up on his music... ...and spent years feeling sorry for himself. Hey, Mom, nice pants. The reason your mother married him... Mom? Turn off. I want channels 18, 24, 63, 109, 87, and the Weather Channel. Bringing you the world's weather 24 hours a day. Weather conditions remain the same... Board-certified implant surgeons... Welcome home, Marty. Dad's home. That's right. He's home. Dad's home. Lord of the manor. Hello. King of the castle. Hello. What the hell is this? Lithium mode on. Yeah. That's better. Damned kids. Hey, Son. Watching a little TV for a change? Son of a... I'm hungry. Just wait your turn. When it's ready, shove it in my mouth. Don't you be a smart-ass. Hey! The Atrocity Channel. Hydrate level 4, please. Is it ready? Here you go. Mom, you sure can hydrate a pizza. I'm sorry. I missed that whole thing. I'm just worried about Jennifer. Why isn't she home? I'm not sure where Jennifer is, Mom. She should have been home hours ago. - I can't keep track... - Fruit! - Fruit, please. - She's in one of those moods. Aren't you and her getting along? Yeah. Great, Mom. We're like a couple of teenagers. Dad, telephone. It's Needles. Dad, it's for you. All right. Well, I'll take that in the den. Retract. Hello. In here, please. Hey, the big M. How's it hanging, McFly? Hey, Needles. Needles? Did you look at my little business proposal? I don't know. Why are you worried? If this works, your financial problems are solved. And if it doesn't work, Needles, I could get fired. It's illegal. I mean, what if the Jits is monitoring? The Jits will never find out. God. Come on. Stick your card in the slot, and I'll handle it. Unless you want everyone in the division to think you're chicken. Nobody calls me chicken, Needles. Nobody! All right. Prove it. All right. All right, Needles. Here's my card. Scan it. I'm in. Thanks, McFly. I'll see you at the plant tomorrow. Shit. McFlyl Fujitsu-san. McFly... ...I was monitoring that scan you just interfaced. You are terminatedl Terminated. No! It wasn't my fault, sir. - Needles was behind it. - And you cooperated. It was a sting operation. I was setting him up. Read my faxl No! Please! I cannot be fired. I'm fired. This is heavy. What am I going to tell Jennifer? Jennifer. Jennifer. Doc. Am I glad to see you. Go out the front door. I'll meet you there. But it doesn't open. There's no doorknob. Press your thumb to the plate. What plate? What does this fax mean? Mom. It's a joke, an office joke. It's a joke fax. I heard you yell. Calm down. I wasn't yelling. Needles and I were just joking. Welcome home, Jennifer. Lost my job, Mom? Get out of town. - I'm ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Питер Фм на английском - текст Мой научный проект на английском - текст Вельд на английском - текст Девчата на английском - текст Дни затмения на английском |