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На грани

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CHARLES: I'm gonna
pull this tight, OK?
Wait! All right.
Bury this.
Start building thefire.
- You'll be all right.
CHARLES: Is that all right?
Nottoo tight?
STEPHEN: No, it's great.
CHARLES: Well, it's a clean cut.
It bled clean.
CHARLES: If we change
the bandages regularly,
it should knit upfine.
Guess I'm no lumberjack.
You're doingfine, Steve. Fine.
- You know something?
- What?
You're all right.
Am I?
No, I mean it.
Very thoughtful man.
- Thank you.
- And I appreciate it.
It's my pleasure.
Are we getting out of here?
CHARLES: Yes, we are.
STEPHEN: How are we getting out?
OK, you see this...
See that constellation?
Cassiopeia-the big W.
OK... try the right edge
of the W.
Points to the North Star.
The North Star is north.
Tomorrow, we walk south
to the river.
The riverwill take us home.
Will itwork better
than that compass?
- Yeah.
I hope so.
Why do people die in the woods?
They die of shame.
Puts things in perspective,
doesn't it?
What's that?
Out here. A little different
from thefashion world.
Differentfrom snorting coke
off the girls' hipbones.
In whatway?
Charles, you know,
you're starting to loosen up.
You think so?
That's my report.
- Huh?
- So?
He's notthat badly hurt.
Then what are our chances
when all is said and done?
We can walk out of here
and probably die,
orwe can stay here,
and he'll certainly die.
I think our chances are good.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
They're betterthan good.
We know thatthat's north,
and that's...
Charles? Charles!
I told you we had to bury those.
ROBERT: What's the difference?
CHARLES: We must getthem down!
They putthe smell of blood
in the air!
- Hey!
ROBERT: I'm not climbing a tree
in the middle of a thunderstorm!
CHARLES: We have to get it down!
ROBERT: You climbthe tree!
CHARLES: Give me a hand.
I'll getthem down.
STEPHEN: Oh, shit!
Oh, shit! Oh, sh-
Aah! Whoa! Oh, shit! Oh!
ROBERT: Charles, stay back!
CHARLES: Go away!
ROBERT: Charles!
Charles, stay back!
ROBERT: For God's sake, Charles!
Come on, Charles!
Oh, God.So, we navigate by the stars.
We travel by night if there's a moon.
We can't live out the winter up here.
lf we find the river,
it'll take us south.
They won't be looking
for us this far north?
We have to walk out.
What do we eat?
l'm working on it.
How about that?
My God!
Come on!
Come on!
No! Wait! !
Oh, God!
Did you know that you can
make fire from ice?
You can make fire from ice.
l'm talking to you.
Did you know that could be done?
Can you think?
You moneyed folk, isn't it?
lsn't it?!
Fire from ice, can you think how?
Sit up there. Drinks and golf.
Screwing the maid.
But get you in an emergency. . .
. . .and you bloom.
You make me sick!
-You make me sick!
-l'm sure l do.
You fucking make me sick! l mean,
what puts you off? Jews and taxes!
Fire from ice, can you think how?
l don't want to know how, Charles!
Do you have anything
you'd like to live for?
You know something?
You know something?
Maybe we were right
to let people like you. . .
. . n the country all these years.
You're the only ones dense enough!
No, l'm not dense.
l just have no imagination.
Making a. . .
. . .decision tree?
-ls that it?
-That's it, Bob.
We can't think they'd come back?
We shouldn't think they'll come back.
They've scouted this area.
They'll move on.
Fire from ice.
Let's have it.
You take it into your hands. . .
. . .and you mold it into a lens. . .
. . .which will concentrate
sunlight into fire.
l doubt we'll be reduced
to that because. . .
. . .we still have the matches
and l believe that's all we'll need.
Oh, Jesus.
There's fish in there.
What are we gonna use for tackle?
How will we bait
На грани На грани

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