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На безымянной высоте

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They planned to get to
the division HQ disposition...
but were destroyed by Lieutenant Malyutin
who was going here forfurther service.
-Did he do it alone?
-Yes, sir. He got a slight wound.
And Kostya...
ls Kostya alive?
He received severe eye wounds and
was dispatched to the hospital, comrade mayor.
They broke Kostya's glasses with a rifle butt
and l had a gun barrel under mythroat!
That's why l took them to lnozemtsev.
Well, boys,
l'm still trembling with fear.
Why are you silent? That man is in grief,
he needs some words of consolation.
Comrade captain.
lt was a kind of a maneuver
-l wanted later...l'd...
-Disarm them heroically!
Myword of honor!
The lieutenantjust...
he acted bravely,
but if it were not for him, l'd...
-Have you already changed your underwear?
-What for?
You haven't even shitted your pants.
Then you are simply a hero.
You may even be awarded a medal!
Let's go.
-Where to?
- To pick up your medal.
-Where should l take him?
-Are there any options, comrade mayor?
l have three options: to give the boy
a home leave, to send him to the depot to eat spam
orto execute the guy promptly.
Which option do you like most?
May be we should let him go.
He is not a saboteur.
He was driving them this way
just because he got frightened.
He is a good honest fellow,
he loves his Motherland.
Do you love your Motherland?
A good boy! Should we let him go?
Go away!
l think this one will be all right.
He is packed with everything - shoulder
straps,documents, medals.
-Won't you drown him.
- They may say he is too old.
lt is none of our business.
We'll simply hand the goodies over. Right?
Right or not,
there is no otherway.
Take the load.
This must be
this marksman again!
Yes, it is him.
He is after his own troops.
Olga seems to have killed him.
She must have killed the wrong guy.
Our bastard is still alive.
-lt is this sniper again!
-We almost took him to the HQ.
-Almost done is not done.
- OK, we simply couldn't deliver him.
-Recon eagles, shit!
- May l come in?
Salute, comrade mayor!
Reporting for service underyour command!
-Just in time!lt is the chief of staff mayor Samsonov.
- Lieutenant Malyutin.
You really have a flairfor adventures, lieutenant.
How's your scratch?Sorry.
-lt will get OK on a sunny day.
- No. l'm fed up with these sunny days.
Malyutin, l need a prisoner!You see.
l need him here and now.
The boys captured one, but the sniper
terminated the man. l need a regular officer.
-l got it, comrade mayor!
- Have you seen any eagles before?
-These big birds? l've never had a chance.
- No big birds. Let's go and meet some other variety.
-What about this lieutenant?
-A usual officer.
l once saved your new commander
from imminent death.
l tell you that!We two
tried to perform a heroic feat...
Am l right, comrade corporal?
And whywere there two ofyou?
Couldn't you manage the feat alone?
l could have managed, but
l could not leave our lieutenant alone.
They are coming!
Platoon, stand up!
This is lieutenant Malyutin,
your new commander.
Private Malakhov,
an ex-con.
Well, Corporal Bessonov,
a former kolkhoz team leader.
He has no rivals in the fields.
Sergeant Mikhail Lopatin.
A Siberian hunter. Can suffocate
a bearwith bare hands.
He has served in the recon units
fortwo years.
Sergeant Kamorin.
Has been in the ranks since the Finnish war.
Captured nine enemy officers.
Good boys!
Eagles!But running without a prisoner
forthe second week in a row.
What are you going to do, lieutenant?
Do you have a few sets
ofthe German uniform in the regiment?
My mother used to teach German
at school before the war.
We spoke German a lot at home.
-Do you hope to trick the Germans with that?
-Well, a couple of phrases roll off mytongues perfectly.
For example.
-What did you say?
Excuse me, Herr Colonel!
lt will never happen again, Herr Colonel!
You are much of a daredevil. Well, Nefedov,
На безымянной высоте На безымянной высоте

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- текст Ковбои в городе на английском
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- текст Вор на английском
- текст Письма мёртвого человека на английском
- текст Броненосец Потёмкин на английском

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