I'd come down here and whine about it first. Practice. It's not responding. Wonder why? This is not my fault. Don't blame me. There's no way that the game could've compromised the system, all right? Well, maybe it drew down too much power. Overloaded the computer. It's a game. Besides, what difference does it make? I wiped it from the drive, you remember? Okay, someone's in here. I saw him again. What? She's seeing things. I am not. Shal, we're alone. Come here. Look. There we go. Four heat points. One, two, three, four of us, right? I don't care what your computer says. I saw him. I felt him. Jess, what are doing about this heat, man? Dude, I am trying. There's a glitch in the system. I think we should do a security sweep. Hey... look, Jess. What is this? What the hell...? So, soldier, you think you have what it takes to become a member of our Tunnel Quest team? I thought you deleted that program. Yeah, I did. All right, now, what are you doing about this heat? Uh, I guess I'll try to access the thermostat through Sanctuary's brain. Hmm. Jesse's right. The place is clear. I'm not imagining things. I saw something. But for some reason I'm not picking up a scent anywhere. It's so strange. Well what exactly did you see? It's hard to explain. It was big, but it was a blur. Was it a man, or a woman? I don't know. Like a ghost or something. Out of the way. What the hell happened? The circuitry's overheated. I mean, is it just me or is this place freaking out? All right, Jess, come on. Let me in there. Oh, I've almost got it. You can't just blast this with one of your charges, Brennan. It's delicate stuff. Yeah, I see that. Meanwhile I'm frying over here. Jess, why's the security system activated? It's not. Well, you might want to come take a look at this. Oh, this can't be happening. These two dots are Lexa and Shalimar. The security system's interpreting them as intruders. Well, shut it down before the system attacks. Yeah - it's not working. We need to get them out of there. Shal, Lex... Look, we got a big problem here. You need to get down to the Helix now. What's going on? Security system has detected you both as hostiles. So get out of here. Hurry. What's happening here, Jess? Sanctuary's going into a lockdown, and I can't control it. Get out of here - now. Come on, let's go! What about the guys? Shalimar, there's no time! Get out of here now! The hangar door's closing. We can beat it. We'll be sheared in half. Let's hope you're wrong. Why do I get the feeling there's nothing you can do about all this? Right now I'm not in control of anything, Brennan. Well, who is? Wouldn't you like to know, Mr. Mulwray? In my game, I decide who lives... ...and who dies. That was cutting things pretty close. Oh, we had at least two more seconds to clear the doors. You got ice-water running through your veins. So what are we going to do about Brennan and Jesse? Afraid that was a one-way ticket. I've isolated the Helix's computer link to Sanctuary. Look, we can't afford to let it infect the system or we could drop from the sky. I wonder if our comlinks are active. I don't know. Keep your fingers crossed. Brennan? Brennan, can you read me? Yeah. Yeah, we're here. We're locked up in the hangar. Jesse's trying to figure out what's going on. I'll tell you what's going on - that game of yours infected the system. Had to, but I don't see how. Look, Sanctuary's got firewalls to protect it from even the most high-tech viruses. Guys, are you there? Shal! Hey, guys. Lexa? You guys there? Brennan, can you hear me? It's no use. The virus must've infected communications. Brennan! Brennan? Shalimar, I'm here. But I don't know for how much longer. What's our next move? Jesse thinks there's a way to override the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Неуловимые мстители на английском - текст Железяки на английском - текст Фарфоровая луна на английском - текст Кто подставил Кролика Роджера на английском - текст Небо. Самолет. Девушка. на английском |