was "gleamed" Does it matter? - How's Kate Napoleon? - Off to a labour camp. Good. We're expecting a company from Leningrad. The house is sold out. You're lucky. I've got Khanin. He's got Lika. But you're just fine. That's right. Will you come and see me? Some day. Thanks. Can all this be happening to me? Here's a nice one. I've lost an overshoe. Heel, Tiny! You big fool, Tiny. Sit. Oh no, you don't! The master's come with a bottle of wine. Hello. How's it going? Can't you stand still? Let me come back there. - What's the matter? - Everything. The two harpies are bleeding me white. So what if I like my tea sweet? I earn enough, don't I? - You do eat a lot of sugar. - Okay, kill me! They gave me 3 roubles to buy a herring. Screw them and their herring. They'll bring you up right. - Work is what counts. - Well, Capablanca? White. My luck has turned. It was just a bad year. I'll be leaving soon for a refresher course. Refresher-pressure -- I'm castling. Our town has expanded to beyond the river. The housing estates extend into the steppe. Ravines are being filled and encased in concrete. The neighbour says the traffic is so heavy... one can hardly cross the street. And there are many more tram lines. A new one every year. In the old days, there were just Nos. 1 and 2. Yes - THE END
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