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Главная / Мой друг Иван Лапшин

Мой друг Иван Лапшин

1   2   3   4   5   6   7  
There'll be trouble if you're killed.
- What do you do for brains?
- None of your business.
Write a piece about how
brave I am.
"That blue-eyed girl -"
Encircle the house.
And a bullet's waiting
in every bush.
What a beast.
Why do I always have to go
at the crucial moment?
Must be my nerves.
The drovers sleep over here.
In the old days, they
had a bit of gold.
There was a German who
used to bump them off.
Would you like a half?
He put up a fine house.
- What's that you're sucking?
- None of your business.
- Make way for the brave!
- Put it away.
Hey, comrade!
What's the matter?
Come on, be quick.
I'll murder you, you bastard!
Red light. Stop.
- You can't pass here.
- What's the matter?
- I have to take the child -
- I said no.
Why not?
What did I do?
What's the matter?
I'll bust your brain, Tolya.
Chief! What a surprise.
- Did you get a job yet?
- No. I'm scared of cows.
Mule used to live here.
Here, chickie-chickie.
What are you sucking, eh?
It's me.
- After them!
- Hey, Chief!
You pig!
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot!
- You killed him!
- Find the boot.
You bastards!
Hey, comrade! Wait a minute.
I mean you, comrade.
Come over here
Stop, comrade.
How'd you do.
Don't make a move, or
I'll arrest you.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Quiet now -
- What?
- Nothing now.
You were sucking a sweet.
- What is it?
- The enemy tricked me.
Where's Khanin?
- It's all my fault.
The enemy tricked me!
On your way!
Get me some linen!
Easy does it.
Press his stomach, or
his guts will come out!
Take the kid away!
Head first! At the double!
Now! Careful. Halt!
Leave Solovyov for me!
Seal the place off!
Send a man for
What'd you say?
We're nearly there.
It's not over. It hasn't
even begun.
Hello, Chief.
"We'll go into battle
Bravely, friends. "
Clear the area!
This is a danger zone.
It's charred.
Tell Solovyov not to be a fool.
Tell Solovyov not to be a fool.
Don't be a fool, Solovyov!
Give me the cap. I'm cold.
Repeat it. Are you deaf?
Don't be a fool, Solovyov!
Don't shoot! I'm wound-
- Vitya!
- Halt!
Where is he?
Whose rifle is this?
Don't let her go!
She used to be a
wonderful dancer.
They'll take care of it. Did
you get my flowers?
- Your damn thugs.
- That's the underworld.
What'd you think it was like?
Say thank you.
Don't forget to feed my cat.
You can have the chairs.
Thanks. The felt is top grade.
Three tablets.
It's arsenic.
My daughter's ill.
I'm sorry. It was all
most unfortunate.
Your newspaper friends in
Moscow phoned.
The yeast was stale.
Nothing doing.
Come with me, Ivan. We'll go places.
I'll show you people and towns -
Tell him to come with me, Natasha.
- Shall I go in the back?
- No.
Don't forget to bind
your stomach.
Thanks for the fountain pen.
If you break it, I'll kill you.
There's an orchestra for
every person in this town.
I've had migraine
headaches these two days.
The wind's rising.
Yeah, someone's bag has been lifted.
I've had an offer from a
theatre in Kharkov.
I'll play Sancho Panza in
"Don Quixote".
And I'll see what I can do for
That's splendid.
Why didn't you tell me -
- What's the time?
- It's 4.30.
Why didn't you tell me?
Being ill has made you talkative.
Sometimes I think you're
made of stone.
Forgive me.
This headache is driving me mad.
Do something. I've had
it for two days.
I don't want any medicine.
To hell with Kharkov
and your medicine.
Don't think my head aches
on your account.
We're all sick and tired of you.
I have a ticket, too.
You've got Cabin 17. Mine is 22.
My bag's there.
Moscow, here I come.
I'm not one of Chekhov's
young ladies.
Khanin, dear, take me with you.
I'll perish here.
Never mind. I'm joking.
My umbrella's stuck.
Greetings, Port Kineshma!
Congratulations on the start
of the navigation season.
Don't be rude to Gran,
- "Tears glittered -"
- I think it
Мой друг Иван Лапшин Мой друг Иван Лапшин

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