sleep now. You're coming with me tomorrow. - We'll hunt criminals. - Go to hell. She's dead. There's nothing you can do about it. He's had one too many. Please never chain the door. Ah, Khanin's here. There's others that live here. How dare you come in like this! - Don't shout at me! - Be quiet, silly. Report to HQ tomorrow, and say... I've placed you under arrest for 10 days. Go on, hit a man when he's down. Come on, let's get you back into shape. I'm as good as dead now. That crazy actress has ruined my life. It's insane. He took over the HQ. What for? I'll see that she's jailed! Okoshkin? He's away on business in Mugginsk. He'll be back in 10 days. You'll drown me, you bastard! You'll strangle me. So Lapshin took Khanin in. Now there were 6 of us in the flat. My eyes are blue. So are yours. A Tartar's are brown. - What colour are his eyes? - They're Tartar. Oriental. Let me go, or I'll hang myself in prison. We won't let you do that. We forbid it. You're mad. You should be shot like a mad dog. No doubt about it. Why? I'm not guilty. I can't even punch a man. Solovyov hit him twice. The Tartar hit him once. So, you were hired on October 30... as a temporary watchman. I got a cut as a slaughter-house worker, too. I didn't eat the innards, I sold them on the market. - Excuse me. - This is a real circus. I came across Solovyev at the market. If I'd known they were going to bump the man off, I'd never have - He said, "Go on, sell him some meat. " - I forget his name. - Kostelyanets. He said, "Sell him some meat. " - This one? - He was wearing this coat. Why would he come to my place if he only had 9 roubles? I pulled out the crate of beef. He bent over to have a look. I didn't know what to do. Then Solovyov came up. He was smiling strangely. - He cracked his skull. - That was really friendly. I said, "Hey! I live here!" Then the Tartar said, "Get us a basin. " I did. Then I brought in another. Did Solovyov kill his victims instantly? No. He hit him twice, and the Tartar hit him once. - Misha? - That's not Misha. I took their clothes. Why throw good clothes away? Why isn't there any blood on your clothes? I had an apron. These are the only clothes I have. I'm not guilty. But you said you didn't know he'd be murdered. I named everybody! I'm not guilty! A fine time for merry-making. He's a common murderer. But we'll clear the land of scum... and plant an orchard. I'll be too old to enjoy it. Let's not have any of that. It was a great blow to me, too, but I reject the rumours that surround Mayakovsky's suicide. By 1938 our country will be producing... 4 million bottles of champagne. Got a pencil? Take this down. Abrau Durso champagne. And 12 thousand by 1942. Millions surely? Millions, thousands - - what is the difference? You bastard. Sorry, Pavel Nikolayevich. Excuse me, Nadezhda. Go to hell! Arrest them, so they don't annoy me. Indeed... here's some reading matter in the soup. "joice". What can it be, Ivan? Ah, it's "rejoice". Wait. Let me read it. The meat was wrapped in a piece of newspaper. I'll read it though. Then we'll memorize it. I'm an actress, not a crook! An extraordinary concoction. Khanin's Punch. Newspaper borscht and matchstick punch. - "Don't wait for him -" - It's the wrong song, Natasha. "Arise, plants and factories "And close your ranks. "March on to meet the foe. "Cock your gun And check your sight, "Be prepared to join the fight For the workers' cause. "Our comrades in prisons, "In dungeons so dark, "You're with us, You're with us, "Though not in our ranks. " You won't be back for the premiere, you bastard. Let's have tea at my place. Thank God. He'll be all right. Thanks. Go to bed. Damn! There were just 2 shells: one got me. The other hit the store-house. They laid me down in the grass. Green grass- They said, "There was only one shell. It
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