escape. Now Lapshin had to get him for the second time. We'll get him. He'll be put to death by May Day. No point in dragging out the investigation. Right? We'll clear the land of scum and plant an orchard, and still be around to enjoy it. - Your last name? - Spitsyn. Don't let the drivers charge you. Thanks a lot. Glory be to Hymen! He's Prometheus, not Hymen. Distribution should be through the Party cell. "We've no wine, not a drop -" I hope you'll be warm now. Send in the request form tomorrow. Why didn't you call me? You're a fine person. The nation salutes you, Chief! You scared everybody, you fool. Why are you looking at my hands? They are ugly. Could you send Usyakin a note? We're freezing here. Join us for beer and burnt sugar. It's delicious. I might have a sip. There's firewood in town, but no organization. He's blind. There'll be an accident. "At the brink of an abyss, "Amidst the crashing waves -" Don't move. I'll be right back. "In a desert sandstorm. "Or in the grip of plague - - What brings you here? - Still writing? - How about some dumplings? - Fine. I've been to a gold field. Chuck the cops. Let's go rowing. I'll show you people and places - No time for that. Are you working on anything now? Yes. The life story of an aviator. "We cannot wait for favours from nature" Think of the message. No smoking near the animals. "Help! Fox has carried me off!" My wife died. She departed this world. How can that be? She'd been buried for 3 days when I returned. Diphtheria. Her heart stopped beating. How have you been? Fine. Hello, Khanin, you weevil. How's your colitis? When did you get back? Today? - Where's Lika? - She died. Six days ago. It's crazy. She died of diphtheria. Ivan and I are leaving for the gold fields. - We want to get rich. - Stop it! My dad used to play in a military band. There's a new board game called "Night Flight". If everything consists of atoms... which form various combinations, why are you.. so beautiful and why do I love you so? - Is that something you wrote? - Yes, 300 years ago. I played Mary too... but I tripped and fell into the fountain. Now I'm a potato at children's matinees. I say, "Come on, earth me up!" Why are you looking at my hands? - I'll be a hit as the whore. - You will. - Take him away. - Drunk as a swine. - Is he an actor too? - He's our tailor. He used to be with a circus. Have you ever had to shoot a man? I've been dealing with criminals for 17 years. Cock your gun. And check your sight. "Be prepared to join the fight "For the workers' cause. " "A silence fell. Then faintly - hark! "The strangest form Moved on the ground "And slowly, slowly In the dark "Gave forth an eerie sound. " There's Okoshkin. Gorging on ice-cream. Pull up, Ivan. Vasily Okoshkin. Go on, Natasha. Will do. - Okroshkin, is it? - No, it's Okoshkin. I like red and blue. Why won't you look at me, Vasya? Why should I, Miss? I'm your wife. The mother of your children. Ah, a practical joke. You're an actress, right? I'm your wife, Marusya Okoshkina. We have two boys, David and Vanya. Come back, Vasya! The boys need you. They keep calling you: "Papa! Papa!" You're mad! I'll call the police. Don't. Where's your pride? Poor thing! A Soviet woman must be proud. Well? You were great. See? I can do it. There's nothing you can't do. Or Ivan. Or me. Let's go. Here we are. Wake up. Let's go. It's all over. - What's over? - Everything's over. Greetings, Commander! At ease! You'll be all right if you pull up your knees. Pull up your own. Don't step on Khanin's head, it's soft. I won't. I'm not stupid. Give me something to eat, woman. - Will you be staying here? - Here and there. I don't respect you any more, Alexander. I don't care. Here. No, here. I scared you. Didn't I? Give him some hot soup. - Did someone fire a gun? - No! A sideboard fell over. We'll go to
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