I'll send you to prison. Patrikeyevna's an alias. What's your real name? Well, Ivan Mikhailovich. What's the matter? Nothing. Had a bad dream? I dreamt of an airplane. Were you flying? Take your medicine. Hurry down to the transfer platform. What's on the platform, Vasily? Hand me the garland! Black market firewood and the actors - It's a good troupe. I saw the play. It sent shivers down my spine. The carter fled at the sight of Okoshkin. He'd been selling stolen firewood. That's how it all began. - You dropped your handbag. - He dashed off when he saw you. The big bad wolf slinked off. Which leaves Little Red Riding Hood. Nice sweets. Come here for a moment, Ivan. This is Lapshin, our local Pinkerton. The star of many a a hair-rising drama. He used to work in Leningrad. Last summer, on the Volga - "I'm thirty, and the crown awaits me. " Excuse me for speaking your lines. Are there any whores here? - What? - Whores. We're rehearsing a new play. It's pretty violent. Yulia's the star. I've a bit part. I play a whore. We only pull them in as accomplices. Good enough. I lost 600 roubles to a sharper last summer. What's a murderer's psychology like? Psychology? They're killers. There's our caravan! Forward! Raise the Jolly Roger! Careful, it's slippery. I know the scent. My sister used it once. I'll get you sacked! It's the horse's fault. Small but fierce, what? A woman was here to see you. She has no papers. Showed me a pawn ticket for a watch. What ignorance! How about some of our good soup? - When did she leave? - Ten minutes ago. This used to be Carriers' Stop That's what it was called. Hello. I've got the character you want. She's known as Kate Napoleon. Want to meet her? Do you think I can do it? Of course. Just tell me exactly what you want. I know that sort I'd like to meet her. Can you give me a lift, Chief? There's a stocking hanging out of your bag. A plain-clothes man wearing a policeman's boots! Tell your chief that you've been reprimanded. They lost a wheel! - Don't torment me. - I'm tormenting myself. Stop chewing, Kate. It's impolite. Besides, he who doesn't work doesn't eat. I want you to meet an actress. Give her the facts. No smut, though. Just the facts. And how you're going to reform. I'll live with my parrot. and play the ukulele. Yeah... Do I call the actress? Why'd you add on 2 years, you bastards? - For burglary. - Just for 2 pairs of shoes? What about the fabric? - Add it up again! - Don't be rude. Do I call the actress in? Here you are. How'd you do. I'm Natasha. You're the character I'm to play. She's serving time, working on the canal. Help yourself, Kate. She's learning the hard way. This is how I see it. Here are my lines. "I traded my sealskin coat for cocaine. "Fix my jumper, Annie. "I've 2 more summers to go. Then I'll take an overdose. " - How's this, Chief? - Stop it - Are you crazy? - You idiot! - I was only joking. - You want another sentence? What did I do? You imbecile. What does Capablanca do? Capablanca moves like so. Capablanca-banker-thank her - I can make a different move. You use sugar like it was water. Tons of it, all gone! How come we've been fetching the firewood but you never manage to. What? You'd make a dead man go after them. Help yourselves, I'm generous. Never cares where she puts the galoshes. - You'll cut your feet. - Careful, Capablanca. It's a bad omen. For all of us. None of your superstitious claptrap! Where's my petrol can? Move aside, witnesses. Don't push. Where's my can? - Come on! - Be quiet. Are you deaf? Look sharp! I told you to plug it up! He's spilt all my petrol Enough! Get lost. You son of a bitch! Last call. The train's departing. That winter Lapshin was after the Solovyov gang, those senseless and ruthless killers. Lapshin had nabbed Solovyov once. He'd been sentenced to death in Turkestan, but he'd managed to
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