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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Москва-Кассиопея


1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  
Some secrets, you know.
All right, l'm going to bed.
I may go to bed,
or I may not go to bed.
And what's this?
What are you doing?
You've killed Pafnuty!
Get off the controls!
the computer could not
establish the cause of
what's going on.
Exceeding the speed of light.
Sergei Sergeyevich, the radio
contact was broken at 00:08.
Our attempts to
reestablish it all failed.
What do you think
could have happened?
I think the cause
is purely external.
A black hole, perhaps?
What have you got?
Since the loss of contact,
all astrophysical observatories
have been watching
the area A-12-46.
So far I have no
comforting information.
Continue observation.
Well, how is it, Nadyusha?
At the moment of the loss of
contact, the ship was here.
We sounded out the entire
square A-12-46.
The "Dawn" wasn't there,
it vanished almost instantaneously.
Do you think it's a disaster?
I don't know, but it really
looks like a black hole.
I'm confident that, if not we,
then someday you
will know how to gnaw
holes in space.
Engines on braking.
Engines on braking.
Engines on braking!
Engines are on braking
What's happened to us?
This is not our sky.
The Earth.
Of course, it's the Earth.
Look, an old man.
Don't you recognize me, my friends?
Somehow you resemble
Sergei Sergeyevich Filatov.
Are you his father?
No, this is myself.
What's happened to you?
Nothing special.
I've just grown old.
It's been 27 years since
our last radio contact.
And people do age.
But what happened to you,
we don't know.
For 27 years our scientists have been
racking their brains, with no result.
Some believe you got
into the Tachyon Spiral,
others suppose that you found
yourselves in the subspace.
In any case, while
we didn't have contact with you,
you were moving at a speed not
envisaged by the laws of physics
and unknown to mankind.
But let's not lose time.
I'm ceding to the head of super-
long-distance communication lab.
Hello, guys.
You, probably, don't recognize me,
but we knew each other very well.
I mean you, Vitya, and you, Julia.
And with you, Kuteishchikova,
we sat at the same desk in school.
Milka Okorokova?
Yes, guys, it's me.
Vitya, it was cruel of you
not to take me along.
Why cruel?
It was me who wrote that note.
You?! Ma'am...
I checked the handwriting by your
copybook. lt was not you.
I deliberately wrote it with my left
hand, for no one to have guessed.
Your flight had such an influence on
me that I became a radio astronomer.
I'm forty already
and have two kids.
I named my younger son Vitya,
here he is, after you.
And my daughter's name is Varya.
She looks just like Milka.
Guys, the researchers
at my laboratory
succeeded in decoding the signals
that are still coming from
the area of Alpha-Cassiopeia.
There was a catastrophe
on one of the planets,
which threatens
to destroy a civilization.
Something is threatening
the thinking creatures.
You have to help them.
Do you hear me?
Vitya! Vitya!
Do you hear me?
Yes, we hear you.
If Milka is 40 now,
then they all will not be there
when we return.
Einstein's paradox.
Even first-graders know that.
You knew it, too, when we took off.
I understand, guys.
Honest, I understand everything.
Send me back to Earth.
I have no right to fly with you.
It was all my fault.
- He got it.
- At last.
It's too late now.
No capsule will
ever make it to the Earth.
I don't want to spoil
everything for you.
Lock me up somewhere and don't
let me out until we return.
l'm incompatible.
We're so damned far from home.
Why speak of incompatibility?
I don't think we should lock him up.
I'm sure he can become
the seventh member of our crew.
I agree.
So do I.
Me, too.
I agree, too.
Well, let it be so.
End of Film One.

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- текст Танец-вспышка на английском
- текст Перл Харбор на английском
- текст Семнадцать мгновений весны на английском
- текст Вторжение в США на английском
- текст Ведьма на английском

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