out of here! All right. It's growing again. I can feel it. Feel it. It's growing again. My rheumatism is gone! My ear, Mr. North. There you are. My headache. Your headache? It's gone? Fine. Ladies and gentlemen, that's the last time. You can't come back. You'll have to see your own doctors. Have a good day. Bye. Sorry. I want to swear out a warrant... for the arrest of Theophilus North. What's the charge? Practicing medicine without a license. Name? Dr. Angus... McPherson. Tante Liselotte, you have a visitor. A visitor? Me? It's a mistake. It's not a mistake, fraulein. I wanted very much to meet you. This is Mr. North. Mr... North. You remember. I remember. The one with the hands. I'm not a doctor, you know. I'm here as a friend of Mrs. Cranston's. I understand. I speak German so badly... but what a wonderful language it is. Aren't "leiden" and "leibe"... and "sehnsucht" more beautiful words... than "suffering" and "love" and "longing"? And your name... Liselotte... for Elizabeth Charlotte. It's beautiful. I see you still have all your children around you. So much love. "Dearest Nana." There was much love, but now... Nothing. The memories. No one can take those away from you. Herr doktor, come close. I want to die. Why God doesn't let me die? Tante Liselotte... did you ever learn the hymn that goes... Since little girl I know this song. God's time is the best time. Did you forget? I forget. Thank you to remind me. Yes? You better get downstairs right away. I tried to put them out, but they won't move. Please, wait. Mr. North can't see you. There he is! This is the YMCA! Come back! - Mr. North! - Please! - Aw, Henry. - Christ! They're after me. Oh, God! Run out the back way. Run to Tarker's wharf. Wait! Oh, my God! Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry! Swim, Cully. Swim for your life! Get in here now. Come on, Cully! Get in! Get off the boat! The keel! Keep in touch! How does it feel to be... one of the most sought-after celebrities in Newport? Oh, God, Henry. What am I going to do? Are you Mr. T. Theophilus North... resident of the Newport YMCA? Yes, I am. We have a warrant here for your arrest. Please come with me. What's this about, now? You'll have to find out at the station, Henry. A warrant? Oh, no. It's all right, Cully. We'll have you out in no time. All rise, please. We'll hear the charges, Dr. McPherson. Your Honor. This man, Mr. T. Theophilus North... has been practicing medicine without a license. Yes, yes, Dr. McPherson. I've read the warrant you swore out. Get to the particulars, if you please. On numerous occasions since his arrival here in Newport... Mr. North has been interfering with my patients... offering to cure them of ailments... which I, a trained medical man... find incurable. Never cures anything... when there's a fee to be had for not curing them. Half the town thinks he's a miracle worker! - Yes. - Yes. Get to the specifics, Doctor, please. He prescribed pills for James McHenry Bosworth... one of my patients... and one of our most distinguished older citizens. That's a serious charge, Doctor. What happened? He's been running around like a man of 50. It really won't do. It could kill him. North also laid hands on Elspeth Skeel... for her migraine headaches. They went away, too. Go on, Doctor. Please. Your Honor, I think I can safely speak... for the entire medical profession... when I say we cannot have a situation... where people are curing each other without us. Thank you. Serious ailments need serious attention. Medicine is a science. What North is doing is quackery and dangerous... because, if allowed to continue... it could cause severe damage. My office is deserted. My patients come to me for serious medical attention. They cannot get that out of miracle workers. North knows this, and still he persists! Thank God ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст На безымянной высоте на английском - текст Драка друзей на английском - текст Клуб Парадиз на английском - текст Преступление и наказание на английском - текст Яттаман на английском |