Sarah Baily-Lewis. She's hired a bouncer to put you off the place. He'll beat the daylights out of you if you resist. Does Mr. Bosworth know this? The dear old soul. He doesn't know half of what his daughter does. How did you find out? I heard Mrs. Baily-Lewis talking to old pinch-bottom Willis. I'd better hop it back before he notices I'm gone. All right, Sally. Thank you very much for coming. I appreciate the warning. Good night. Good night. Good morning. I'm Theophilus North. I don't believe we've met. They don't want you here anymore, sonny. I'll go pay my respects to Mr. Bosworth. Good morning. Mr. North! You needn't have worried, Sally. I was trained in the oriental arts of self-defense. See, what I did was use something... an order of Nipponese monks came up with... to protect themselves against bandits. They forbade themselves to use weapons... so they came up with that instead. It's called jujitsu. Come in. Good morning, Mr. Bosworth. I hope I haven't kept you waiting. No, no, Theophilus. You're quite on time. I'm looking forward to the passage we're to read today. You do know that Bishop Berkeley lived right here... for a time in Newport? No, I didn't, sir. He was here three years, converting the Indians... and trying to raise money for a university in Bermuda. He built a place, Whitehall. You must see it. Yes, sir. The Budlongs have done a wonderful job of restoration. Berkeley's desk is there, some of his manuscripts. How I wish that I could show it to you. It'd be a great privilege to see Whitehall in your company. I suffer from a very embarrassing weakness. It's my bladder. Dr. McPherson hasn't been able to do anything about it. It's made me a prisoner in this house for eight years. I'm afraid you'll have to see Whitehall on your own. You have my sympathy, sir. Let's get on with the reading. "Essay Concerning Human Understanding. "Chapter One. "An idea, which considered in itself is particular... "becomes general by being made to represent... "or stand for all other ideas of the same sort." Shall I go on, sir? I've lived a very adventurous life. My daughter, Mrs. Baily-Lewis, tells me... that I should be grateful and not greedy for more... but I do long to breathe the sweet air of freedom. I'm sure you understand that. It was one of your ambitions to be a free man. Yes, it is, sir. - North? - Yes, good morning. How dare you take liberties with my daughter? It's an outrage! Take liberties? What do you mean? You laid hands on my Elspeth. You touched my daughter! I only touched her forehead. I don't care where you touched her! I don't mean that. You know damn well what I mean! George, please! If you ever dare to set foot on this property again... or ever dare make contact whatsoever with Elspeth... I shall call the police. Good day to you, sir. Sweetheart! Good day to you, too, sir. We've missed you lately, Mr. North. I'm flattered, ma'am, but I have so many students now. Some days my schedule's so full, I just fall into bed at 10:00. - It's going well, then. - Yes, ma'am. I've even turned down a job or two. Think of it. We're not even in high season. The sweet smell of high season. It always brings down fortune hunters, Cully... flocks of them, like fireflies on a summer night. Dancing pumps in hand, oily smiles on their faces. All of them wafting around in search of... some sweet little thing in copper mines or railroads. You'll be seeing a lot of them, Cully. What do you mean? You're reading in a house... that's home to one of Newport's fairest flowers. - Persis Tennyson? - No names, Cully. House rules... no names. The girl's a treasure, Cully. As beautiful as the dawn, as gracious as the queen. And as rich as the plummiest pudding at Christmas. So young to be a widow. She's a widow? There's not a fortune hunter in town... fails to call around at her ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Ишь ты, масленица! на английском - текст А вдруг получится! на английском - текст Кавказский пленник на английском - текст Зеркальце на английском - текст Одно безумное лето на английском |