dollars. - It's really Israel, I swear! - Israel? - All the best. - Wait, where are you from yourself? - From Telavi. - Have you been to Kutaisi recently? - Long time ago. Good bye. - Have they built the new bridge yet? - Don't know, probably. - Wait, let's sing something. - What? - Isaak, why did you stop? - I'm crying. Don't hang up. Mimino! - I couldn't see if it was you. Hi! - Hi! - How on Earth? - San-Francisco is closed. This is Mimino. We've been together in Voronezh Aviation College. - You don't recognise me? - No - We've met in Tbilisi. - Don't recall. Sorry, need to go. See you. You are probably angry. You know, it just happened. It's Veronika, my little sister. She always plays jokes on people. Please don't be cross, OK? - When in Moscow, please call. - I will. It's beautiful this time of the year in the mountains, isn’t it? Nothing special. - May I leave? - You may There's a bottle opener. Will you ever stop reprimand me? Am I a boy or something? Why are you shouting at me? When was I reprimanding you? Katja, please forgive me. I didn't mean to. What should I do for you to forgive me? Do you want me to jump off the plane? No, I don't want it. I do. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Солярис на английском - текст Тайна железной двери на английском - текст Сайнфельд - Сезоны 01-09 на английском - текст Близнецы на английском - текст Весёлые ребята на английском |