And how will you spend the money? When you have got money, you'll find a way to spend it. No, Petyunya, tell us. You know, you should approach it seriously. l'd better think it over. - For example, Fedya Melnikov. - From the guards regiment... Yes, he won a ''ZlL-401'' car before the war. - And so? - He did a good thing. He though it impossible to have a personal car in those hard times. - Well... - Well, he donated it to the Defense Assistance Society. That's it. The war is already over. The state has arranged this lottery to make the life of the people easier. We suffered a lot during the war. OK, comrade Zheglov. And the Defense Assistance society is long gone. So, comrade Zheglov, you and l are smart people and should understand it. No, Solovyev, it's you who are smart. And l was just passing by. Operative lnvestigator Sharapov speaking. Yes, l can hear you. What instructions are you waiting for? Catch the bastards red-handed and that's it. Hello! Operator, 37 department, please. Hello! Sharapov from Moscow Criminal Police. lt's about that gold. Don't you rush it... You'd better not do it offhand. l am just a novice here. Well, don't rush it. We might do something wrong. l'll go and ask advice from my colleagues. Don't hang up. You hear me? Don't try to make me pity you. When you come to the restaurant behave yourself. And what were you doing? You were shooting eyes at people, making advances. And then they started fighting over you, broke the window, turned everything... ...upside down. You'd better go to school not to the restaurants, Kuzina! Taraskin, can l speak with you? Kuzina, wait outside. Workers found a jar with golden coins in the wall and took them home. l ordered to detain them. All right. The treasure... ...hidden in the ground or in the wall... ...belongs solely to the state. lts misappropriation is illegal. So you were right. Kuzina, come in! Kuzina! Yes. On fire? A wooden one? A heavy fire? You think it will burn down before we arrive? Until it's no criminal act, we have nothing to do with it. May brave fire brigade work there. lt was a great idea to split the directorate. One department would fight gangsters, the other one - pickpockets. But they keep on flooding us with some petty things. And we've got no time to think about real crimes. Though we still work in the GFD - the Gangsters Fighting Department, don't we? Well, you see what we have to do instead. Have you studied all these books? Well, more or less. Justice demands accuracy, my dear. Any wrong interpretation of the law twists somebody's life. - Wow. - What did you graduate from? Me? From a 9 year school and 3 corridors of this building. You study a lot quicker investigating real criminal cases. Hi, Petyunya, wasting your time again? Where did you get this great sugar, Petyunya? l don't remember it in our rations. Well, confess, where did you get the sugar? Stop nagging me. My sister-in-law sent it from Kokand. - Oh... - You are so pesky, Zheglov. l am not pesky but fair. No one gets that lucky but you. You won the lottery. And you have got a great sister-in-law. And what about us, Sharapov? We are all alone in this world. And a game of dominoes is the only thing we win. We do the godly work but can't have a cup of good tea. Now for the conclusion! Be humane and not greedy. Give us a little sugar. Well, pour it and stop shaking. You'll have more scattered around. That's it. Don't be impudent, Zheglov. We didn't agree on bread. Neither did we on sugar. See you, Petyunya. Cheer up, Sharapov! You'll see, we'll do away with these bastards, And then we'll enter some college to study a little. - Do you know what they call our business? - What is it? lt's jurisprudence. All right. Now go get some sleep. l'll need you tomorrow morning, young and handsome. Where do you live? ln a hostel half an hour by
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