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Главная / Мертвые дочери

Мертвые дочери

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8  
all I got.
These horrible things... All these murders..
l understand it all, but l don't get nightmares.
l feel their presence when l butter my bread,
when l take a breath. l know they won't harm me.
Sometimes l feel chosen
and l'm strangely relieved.
l don't know how to put it in words.
They broke me like an animal, and only
gave me my share of life
because l'm their sister.
l never saw their victims faces - who they killed.
But you came to see me. l saw you.
And if you die... you'll be someone l know.
l don't know who in this world can control them.
The one person they feared is dead.
ln any case, this gives us some
sort of a chance. You can never
follow the rules with them.
l'm tired of these games.
l kept it from them for a long time.
Take it, don't be afraid.
lt might bring you luck. Surprise them.
Stepan, are you nuts?
Putting your friends on the line!
What's up man?
What? What did you say?
What are you talking about?
We got together last night to watch
that video you gave me,
but it wasn't Golden Goals
it was some weirdo movie.
You like practical jokes, do you?
lt was a mistake!
l'm sorry! l'll explain everything!
And your friends are just the same
jerks as you, Stepan.
Did you hear what they say on the radio?
So called ''daughters'' sent by God
to kill all jerks down here.
You will get what's coming to you.
The Daughters will have you.
Watch your back, Stepan, watch your back.
Ok, relax, man!
Radio.. Breaking the news!
The city was shaken by a number of
strange terroristic acts.
A few people are reported to be killed
by a secret future generation space weapon.
Four people were killed in mysterious
The Carnival of Terrorism -that's the
way they call it in the media.
Thats enough! Time to go home!
ls it not enough that l drowned you once,
like blind kittens?
l've already killed you once,
are you coming for more?
lt wasn't enough that they
called me the mother of thieves,
now you want me to be the mother of monsters.
l wanted normal children.
The kind who'd always help me in the kitchen.
You made me feel unwanted and alone!
l was alone! Nothing changed since
you've been gone. l'm still alone.
For me you never existed.
Do you hear me? You won't dare to touch me.
l killed only the three of you! And you, you!
You took it much further. Do you think
you're better than me? Who do you think you are?
A legend? Magic ghosts, fairies?
You're just cheap abnormality! Little freaks!
l should have sold you to a circus!
That might have helped!
But when you were gone l missed you.
l started to feel proud of you,
and at least some part of me stayed pure!
Go away!
Stop being a disgrace to your mother!
That's enough! This world is not yours anymore!
l rescued it from you!
Bugger off and play your games in hell!
It's time to go home!
Calm down. Don't cry.
This world doesn't belong to us.
lt's time for us to leave.
We can all be together.
We can understand each other now,
become as one.
lt's okay now. You're not alone.
l'm waiting for you. Don't be afraid,
l'll be close. l'll stay with you.
l'll stay with you forever.
Hi, how's it going?
Let's grab a bite somewhere tonight.
Something cheap and cheerful.
l'm out of work now, you know.
Or you are the one who's treating ?
Anyway you should take
this new enchanted card
Valid for the Next 100 years.
Hey, are you there? Say something.
Мертвые дочери

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- текст Тегеран-43 на английском
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