They still have fears. They won't touch those who are not afraid of them. Be brave! You are at their place. They're examining you. They're looking at you. They hear every beat of your heart. You are in their hands. Be careful. They may come very close to you. You are afraid. Man is alone and naked in the darkness. Here is the house of ghosts. But their spell is helpless in the light of your spirit. llluminate your fear. Challenge your monsters to a fight. Make them shiver. Be careful. Evil feeds them like a mother. Death sets them free. They appear wherever they like. They even appear in different places at the same time. Turn back, they're by your side! Look them in the eye. They were scaring you. Now you make them shiver. Be brave! Turn back! You're late. Actors are always very good in this place. We have high demands for the actors. Our girls don't like hams. They were very strict judges. They always had perfect taste. Wondergirls! We had one who played badly in several shows. They never found his head. They're strict but fair. People buy tickets waiting for a miracle! lf you play with a lot of heart and soul - they never touch you. In fact, they will even help you. l remember them still alive running away from their mother and coming here. She didn't approve of all their theatrical games. They were as keen as mustard. Always coming up with new tricks, steal everything in sight, they would. They won't touch me. No one else will work in this theatre. And what's a theatre without an usher? They understand it, you bet they do. All these invisibles they used to be people once. We understand them, they understand us. Maybe they're here now. They stay long after a show is over. They have nowhere to go. They feel like home in here. Being here is better than being in a coffin. Want some kefir? Wait, where are you going? Get moving l C'mon! Look, the mental hospital is closed today. We can still go there tomorrow. Anya. What happened? Nothing. We don't need it now. l have to call everybody. Give me your phone. lt's not my fault! Fuck it! Hey, boy! Got frightened? Take the pass! SAMARA GIRLS BAND Anton! Come with us! Maltsev, is that you? How are you feeling? l'm feeling great, thank you! What do you see? l see the light. l think you did it! Yes, l think so. What's up? l've been waiting out here for half an hour! Yes, l did it! They're gone. God! Who are gone? You arranged all this? Well done! Listen, l would like so much to do something good! Remember, you asked to ignore hospital in such cases... l called everyone. It sounds like they're up for a meeting tomorrow. But Rita asked me to tell you they're gone. Stepan is not available, but it looks like he's alright... He's not on any crime or accident report. So what happened in the theater? Don't you tell me? No, l don't. l'm going to this hospital in the morning. Don't worry, it will all end tomorrow. Yes, l'm on my way. Hey there! Come on, come on! yeah! Phone is ringing.. Clink-clank, Stepan! It's your best friend calling! Hey - bing! Clink-clank, Stepan! It's your best friend calling! Hey - bing! ln fact, l don't even know that they're afraid of water. They just love playing games, and every game has its rules. Only water brings me back to my past, the one where my sisters were not ghosts. But they can break rules anytime they want. And then maybe all the bits of my body will be found for a proper funeral. Though, it won't hurt too much. And they love me in a way. You seemed to realize that from the very beginning. l learned to live with them. They're always around, but l learned to be a regular person. l didn't want to go mad myself, do you understand? l know what's going on. But... there's nothing l can do for this world. They took everything from me. l just have my music class, and l love these children. You see? Just this one thing. This is
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