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Мертвые дочери

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What about you?
Were you ever in your prime? Yes, you!
Come on, don't be mad at me.
l didn't mean to hurt you. Here, take it..
l grew up with their music, too.
Do you understand? Don't be mad.
Look, wanna 100 bucks?
Hey, wanna 200?
Do something first, idiot!
Hi! Remember, you said you had a tough project?
l'll be there to help you out.
No kidding. Nothing wrong with me,
l always was soft-hearted.
Ask the guys if they need anything. l'm on my way!
Sorry! l'm really sorry!
Real Decisions for Surreal Problems
Rita, can you help me out?
l sure can!
They had a fire a couple of years ago,
but nobody pulled down the house.
So we got lucky.
C'mon! Here l am! C'mon!
l found a doll.
Let's go. l don't think we'll
discover anything here.
We should go to the mental hospital.
There were four of them.
There's something to check.
Yes, you're right. They had another sister.
She's alive. She's working at school.
So, who was called the Father of classical music?
Nastya, you're welcome.
He was called one of the Fathers
of classical music.
He worked in church.
And who was the youngest composer?
Mozart. He was the greatest
child-composer in History.
you're right. The lesson is over.
Hello. Hi.
l don't know what l could possibly tell you.
lt was very difficult putting the past behind me,
and l don't want to relive it.
Possibly your have intentions of your own,
but those kids really need me.
l don't want to go back ever again.
l hope you understand.
Do you believe that they didn't die?
l told you l don't want to talk about it.
My life goes on.
l chose life, and so nothing you're
talking about exists any more,
as far as l'm concerned.
There's no more mad person, my deranged mother.
No more three sisters.
l created a new memory,
invented a whole new life for myself.
Simply to survive, to remain human,
so l could lead a normal life and be useful.
lt took me a very long time to learn to forget.
You're here to talk about someone
else's past, not mine.
Have some. You look tired.
l'm sorry but there's nothing
more l could tell you.
Thanks for the tea. Goodbye.
Maybe we have the chance to help each other.
lf it's true, 24 hours is all we have.
l'll be waiting for your call.
See you on Monday!
Thanks for your help!
Hello, hello...
Anton, l'm sorry. l was wrong about you..
l thought you were a jerk, but you're ok.
Take it - it's gonna be a party.
Drop by, man!
Hi! Anton is here, but he's incredibly busy.
Call back later!
She's kind of weird, that fourth sister.
haven't you noticed?
l think she's keeping something from us.
What's are you saying?
l was saying that she's keeping something from us.
Let's go.
We lost our meal, though we're visiting a theatre.
l've never been to the theatre, you know.
Well, count out puppet.
Oh fuck! Maltsev is a real dorky!
Real Decisions for Surreal Problems
l want to tell you up front,
don't expect any miracles.
l can't solve your problems
without you helping me.
You have a better chance of coming
across a Chinese panda in your kitchen,
or becoming the first man on Mars,
than changing yourself.
Life is, and always will be,
a series of meaningless events,
a garbage heap of unrealized dreams and plans.
The shovel you bury yourself
with is like a part of your arm.
The gates of paradise are locked from within.
Don't wait for too much.
l'm pursued by ghosts,
l want to get rid of them.
lt's easy.
You go to the mental hospital,
and l'll go in there.
Are you sure?
Time is passing. This way,
we'll have a better chance to find something out.
lll be waiting for you in an hour.
Be careful.
You too.
Fucking idiot! Damn!
Oh, no! You're a good guy, Maltsev. Sorry, bro!
Now you're ready to enter the labyrinth of fear...
and return in triumph.
They've got power,
but they don't know how powerful they are.
They are not people,
but they used to be.
Мертвые дочери Мертвые дочери

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