You know what? l had a dream recently. l had a dream! l felt like l was killed! And l had nobody to carry my coffin. You know why? Because my friends were all busy, and my mother was at work! And l carried my coffin myself! What are you doing, folks? What are you all doing on this planet? Nobody told you? l don't know either! Right, right. You're the man. You see, l did it right. You've earned that day off, you really have. You can go home now. Wait! Shit. Almost forgot. l hear you said Maltsev has got to be fired. l think you're right. He just doesn't cut it. lt was good of you to report! Fucking rat! Bastard! l've already told him to bundle. As soon as the man did anything bad or wicked... Why did you suggest him? What do you think? As a matter of fact, he's one of our best people. What? Are you talking about Maltsev? Fucking rat! What are you looking at? l believe you need to make a new contract with him. Now, l told you about bathroom plumbing, about the wiring. Oh, and one last thing. Right here, under the wallpaper, there's a small-well relatively small hole in the wall. But otherwise it's an excellent unit, very bright.. So, what do you think? We'll need to think about it. We'll give you a call. l understand you have a son? Yes, he's 7. This might be a great opportunity to play home renovation with him? What? Renovation! You can put him in charge, make him the main person responsible for putting this apartment together! There're very few apartments like this on the market, l'm not lying to you. Let your son draw the layout blueprints, arrange the furniture layout, give him a mission. lt gets him used to making his own decisions. Believe me this could be very important for him at his age. Nowadays we don't spend enough time with our children. We barely know each other properly. And we could sell this apartment tomorrow. l'll get you the renovation workers. we'll give you a discount, and you'll put everything in order in no time at all. What do you think? TV-voice.. We should be very afraid that our youth show such indifference for our Orthodox traditions. No joystick, no skateboard, no journal, no Walkman. Only the true symbols of faith will Iead to salvation for the Russian soul. Steps that our party have taken and wants to take in the future Iead to hard criticism against us. That's okay. Nothing only happens to those who do nothing. To be under attack goes with the the job. l repeat, nothing only happens to those who do nothing. What the fuck? Who's here? Where are you? Where are you? They move objects. l don't know.... Any objects. l saw it with my own eyes. Nothing only happens to those who do nothing. Right on! We agree. Arrange the contract. Give my regards to your son. Have a nice day. Goodbye. We'll wait downstairs. All right, l'm coming in a minute! Do you need any assistance today? No. You've just sold such a creepy flat! What? lt was a perfect scam! A masterpiece! l told them the whole story, and it worked, you see! Oh yeah, right. The whole story apart from one tiny little detail. What detail? Don't you know? Some crazy guy butchered an entire family in this apartment. A sort of cursed flat, you know. l've showed it to eight clients. The planning is nice, but they are scared of children's brains somewhere on the walls. Downtown, a good price. l could live here. Gotta go- See you in the office! What crap! This isn't crap lf l hadn't burnt my hands saving my cat from the fire today, l'd hit you hard. They worked hard on this recording for five years, even though they came close to breaking up after their founding keyboard player died. But they're real musicians who couldn't betray those who love them. What do you want? God knows! It's so easy to sit around on your bum, saying ''they've sold out'', ''they're past their prime.'' U2 sold out, Kevin Costner sold out Julia Roberts sold out.
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