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Мертвые дочери

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someone he can't trust.
We haven't made a decision yet.
What decision? Some crank killed Vera.
It's terrible.
But l don't know what l should be
feeling about it, sitting in this
shitty Chinese restaurant.
You know it's a special case.
Sure. We're kinda doomed.
Let s not get carried away here.
Maybe we have to barricade
ourselves and stay in for three fucking days?
Ghosts, killers! Shit!
Well, l'm on the phone. Call anytime.
And you call us.
Of course. Bye.
Take care, Stepan.
See you.
Hello! Yes, l remember.
Give me a lift, will you?
l've got an urgent project to
finish by tomorrow morning.
Ok. But l can't take you all the way home.
Wherever you can.
Oh, alright. l'll drop you off at your place.
Nikita is totally off his rocker.
He's having some kind
of trouble or something.
No speeding.
No putting gum under the seat then.
To think that l was at school
with the guy who wrote this story.
Once he made the oath
of doing everything l ask.
Well done!
Well, l have to go to the rehearsal.
We're having our last gig together.
Leaving the band?
There is no band anymore.
Going home?
Yes, l suppose so.
Can l come with you?
Sure. What about your boyfriend?
l don't want to see him tonight.
l don't know him that well.
Miss, could you get us the bill, please?
Should we leave a double tip?
We hardly ordered anything.
Oh God, l hate watching all this crap.
You know...
l saw a doctor the day before yesterday..
..my kidneys are kinda shot.
l should have seen a doctor months ago.
lt's not irreversible, but it makes you
consider your own mortality.
We have these things, these organs,
and every single day they get older,
they're winding down.
And it makes no sense why.
l saw my Dad in a dream the other day.
He's looking at me and says,
''Why do you still keep Mom away from me?''
l wake up; the phone is ringing.
l thought they were calling to
say she's dead. l almost lost it.
My life's scary enough without these daughters.
They brought me nothing new.
l offered l could stay with her that night,
and l was really glad she denied.
lt would be a long way to the office.
l'm so scared.
Kids' yoghurt
Holy shit!
Ten Commandments
Hello! Hello!
lt s Anna. The girl you wrote about in
the paper today... she... was a friend of mine.
We have to meet. Yes, right now. Ok, deal!
Vera, Vera...
Don't worry- l'll be right back.
Everything will be all right.
Hello, hello...
Hl, Ann!
Yes, it's me. l can't reach Anton or Stepan.
Don't worry!
They must be hanging around somewhere.
Can l ask a favor, call them for me in a bit?
l'm going to meet this guy now, a pressman.
l told you about him, remember?
He might help to clear it out.
We all have to meet tomorrow.
They are playing with us...
Hello, Nikita, hello... Do you hear me?
What's up with me, man? Two days long..
Don't touch me.
l decided to use my enchanted card.
Thanks for coming.
l'm sorry about what happened to your friend.
l'm too.
l hope it still works. l need your help.
... l'm so glad. Well, l mean... l'm sorry.
lt's ok. Ready to listen?
Are you out of your box? what's up with you?
Hey! Mind if l hang out at your place for a bit?
Can you do me a favor?
Sure. What do you want?
Will you play a best-of-three game with me?
Sure, why not best-of-five?
Close the door. Come on, close it!
Do you believe me?
l always believed you. Even when you
said l'd feel better without you.
l believe every word you say. Nothing has changed.
Why doesn't anybody know?
With so many people dead?
Sure, we wrote about all those incidents.
But ghosts are not terrorists.
They never give such a fright.
l never string these murders together.
There's too much going on,
and this news is not the oddest stuff around.
So you really believe my story?
You're lucky l'm working for a tabloid.
Ghosts are my bread and butter.
Look, we can start tomorrow, if you want.
Maybe l can even make a good story out of
Мертвые дочери Мертвые дочери

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