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Главная / Мертвые дочери

Мертвые дочери

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You've got it all wrong. It wasn't my fault.
They can't find peace, so they're
rushing around town, killing people.
lf l die, everybody will say it's
just an accident, a suicide,
or something like that.
The police can't even catch regular murderers,
Iet alone mad drowned ladies.
They seem to be afraid of water,
but l'm not really sure.
The only thing l know is they're
killing one after another and not going to stop.
They have enormous power and it's growing.
They move objects.
l don't know.... Any objects.
lt's incredible.
Don't bother, Vera. he's quite okay
drinking at some place right now.
Thank God! You believe me!
You, designer,
didn't l tell you to fetch more beer!
l would've done the same.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
Ghosts are attacking!
Hey you, designer! Are you nuts?
Do you want me to stay here tonight?
No, it's alright. A funny story,
but he was really crazy.
How's your oil company?
Great. The usual. PR break through of the year.
How do you manage to turn those cavemen
capitalists into people?
l don't know. l just see them as people.
Are you tired?
A little.
Wanna get high?
Look! It's great.
Yeah, ghosts, right... Very neat.
Still it feels pretty gingerbread inside.
l feel nothing...
You want to experience real emotions?
What do you mean?
Have you ever played the Apple Adrenalin game?
Never. What's that?
lt's only an apple, so if it falls, it falls,
no big deal; but it gives you a real scare.
lt's almost as if it's you who's falling.
Com on, check it out!
Oh, fuck!
Damn, it fell!
Tough, you see?
What are you waiting for? Get moving!
Nut job!
Mighty nice!
Not scared?
Scared to death!
See you!
Good bye, Vera!
Thanks for coming!
Don't slam the door!
Will you ever remove this pennant?
How can you see the road at all?
You... you're absolutely amazing, Vera.
Hi. Is that you?
Well, yes. l think so.
Are you OK?
No, l'm not. l've run out of milk.
That's all?
lsn't that enough? God,
the knife has disappeared..
Did you take it?
Just kidding. Where are the knives?
Never mind. Sorry l woke you up. Bye.
Who saw her last?
Do we actually believe these tales?
A load of bull! Newspaper title..
Mysterious death on Aviators Street
We should have told them the whole story.
What good could that do?
What good? They could've locked us up
for a month in a drug rehab.
We can't sit here just like that.
Let's order something.
What's the point of this... Iegend?
Can someone remind me?
Go rent the video, read the cover blurb.
You have to be good for three days.
What does it mean, "to be good''?
No idea. Kill no one, rob no one, betray no one,
never listen to russian pop music,
that kind of thing.
Is it realty so hard not to do
evil for three days.
Some day it'll all become clear,
but for now we must help each other out.
We have to spend these two days together.
How are we supposed to do that?
We can all go to my place and decide
what to do next.
Next ? l know.. We'll download the Ten
Commandments from the Internet
and print a copy for everyone.
We'll find out what they are, talk them over,
and try to follow them for a while,
and go back to normal after three days.
Stop it. Zip it, ok?
Shut up!
Stop bloody bugging us!
Cut it out! They can hear everything.
Sure! It sounds very silly, but l think
that right now we need to stick together.
May be, for the first time.
Can you put your job on hold for three
days and hang out, just like that?
Honestly, l don't know. l'll try.
But we must decide on something together.
Hello. Yes, it's me.
Life goes on.
Ok, l got it. l'll be there in half an hour.
We'Il fix everything.
l've gotta go. A real disaster!
What kind of disaster?
Windows crashed.
Why are you wasting your life on this nonsense?
Weren't you saving the Ministry
of Defense last time?
he's a banker, a CEO.
He needs
Мертвые дочери Мертвые дочери

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