people will still have their usual earth habits. They will miss home lunch, green field of stadium, will joke and argue. The temperament of the people in the spaceship will obviously weigh the same value as on the Earth. Let's play? I am finishing reading "Moon diaries" by Krylov. Mars... How will it meet us? - Tanyusha. - Paul, how will we understand each other? There's a language which should be understandable. I am speaking of them. When will you be serious? When I will die of hunger, mademoiselle. - Don't upset Martian girls, they are waiting impatiently for you. I know it. But before dying of hunger, I will write a book. A story? A novel? I will write a book about cooking tasty and healthy... space food. What's that? "Food for gods and cosmonauts. " A gift by a French company. Every pill's nutritional value is like lamb chop's one. Let me see. I know this company, they sell pills only for those who leave the Earth. Really? Try it. - What happened to devices of the 2nd block? - Look! Sun! Put your pressure helmets on! An unexpected solar burst has detuned some important units. 42, 500 to Mars. 42, 200... 42, 200... Close your face guards! I'm switching on units of the 3rd and 7th blocks. Maximum protection. All blocks are working. To the limit! Calculating stars energy. To the limit! Roger that 42, 200... 42, 150... 120... 42, 20... 42,0 Only in 5 min, radiowaves have delivered Tanya's words to the Moon. We are trying to stick to Mars' orbit. Only emergency block are working. Only emergency block... Paul, Tanya. Paul, Tanya! Tanya, Tanyusha, move something! Ringing in the ears? Weakness... Connections! Paul! Paul! Tampon with ammonia spirit, faster! Am I alive? Some symphony in my ears... - The emergency one has done its job. - Yeah. Switch off the blocks of UV protection. Now 2 tasks: Paul, monitor it, and I will inspect our energy sources. - You see? - Yes. I swear it is it. Let's check it out. Starship! "OCEAN" crossed the Mars orbit. Intellect wins. The whole world keeps an eye on you. During a 19th lap around the Mars, "OCEAN" crew detected a starship. Starship discovered. What will Krylov state? "OCEAN" lost too much energy due to a damage. So landing on Mars is impossible? Landing is possible, but further taking-off is not possible. So we should speed up the launching of "OCEAN-2". And what do they suggest? Mars. A lifeless desert. Did Mars expect, that here spaceships of different planets would meet? Lets go? Spaceship "OCEAN" transmits. Watch and listen. We are broadcasting right from the place of starship landing. - I will go? - Wait! Paul, stay here. Paul! No response. Some more steps, and Commander will enter the Starship. The Starship from a far unknown planet, You've overcome long long distances, for what? What have you brought to us? What mysteries do you hide in your modules? We believe in good, so we meet you with trustfulness. But Dr. Laungton... what if he was right? "OCEAN" transmits for Earth and Moon: we've found the Starship, there's one Centuria cosmonaut - he is dead. I repeat - only one dead cosmonaut. "One dead cosmonaut was found in the Starship. " "Where's the rest of the cosmonauts?" How's the mood? I'm trying to find out where the other two could go. Yeah... "OCEAN" crew supposes that 2 other cosmonauts of Centuria escaped the Starship on an emergency ship during the crash. We need to launch the satellites around Mars as fast as possible. It is the only way to find them, but "OCEAN-2" is not yet ready for launching. But my "METEOR" is ready. I will take video satellites and throw them over Mars. And what next? You know that "METEOR" should move fast, all the energy will be out fast. You will not be able to come back to Earth nor to land on Mars. Lack of energy. And I am not going to land on Mars in "METEOR". Have a look. After the launching
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