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song: The order is given -
he should move to Phobos,
she should move in the opposite direction.
Sergey Petrovich arrived,
come on.
They will send together only newly
married couple. Think about it.
My friends, I am glad to inform you about an alarming and
at the same time, remarkable piece of news.
We've just received structured signals from space.
This means that the hypothesis of progressive scientists are confirmed.
Sergey Petrovich, it is probably an accidental coincidence?
No, my friends, the signals are being progressively increased.
As for now, decoding machines are
unsuccessfully trying to decipher this
enigmatic symphony of radiation,
The Eyes and Ears of the Earth
are focused on the supposed source of the signal.
This is information from the International Cosmo Center.
At 17:18 MSK, sattelites' observatories have noticed again --
an unidentified spaceship. It's crossed the Moon's
orbit and is moving towards the Earth.
Our electronic machines are calculating
the possible landing place.
But why are the signals interrupted now?
This really is a puzzle...
We just should solve it!
It all looks like some fantastic fiction...
So the excited Earth was awaiting the
crossing of its orbit with the orbit of aliens.
What will happen?
A giant explosion which will burn all life on Earth, --
- - or the Earth with the addition of the aliens' mind
will be in blossom, become more beautiful, --
will become the planet of
the Companionship of Suns?
But to the earthmens astonishment, only a little star
has fallen to the sea, leaving there a strange object.
So what has this amazing delegate
from space brought to the Earth?
Pyotr Timofeyevich, what happened?
It's their ship's video log-book.
The Starship's cabin is clearly seen.
Call Krylov to me.
Play it.
They were flying to us.
But why?
I suppose that a civilisation capable of overcoming
interstellar distances could have only one purpose -
thirst for knowledge.
- Are you sure?
- Yep.
Thirst for knowledge pushed civilised Europeans on
to an unkown Asia and Africa.
This all brought to us a sea of tears and blood.
This was done by people living under one sky.
What we can expect from meeting with another world?
This could be an amazing meeting!
This meeting could be unpleasant.
Sergey Petrovich, we are receiving
a lot of requests from different countries.
I suppose, Sergey Petrovich, we should call the Congress.
Yes, a lot of difficulties,
almost unresolvable tasks --
So, should we publish a report about our inability
to solve this, and break up with disgrace?
No, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, when we've faced real opportunities of
establishing friendship between different worlds, --
when residents of other planets
have taken the first step in doing this --
we ought to make a step in answer.
Even if they didn't ask our help.
I don't believe in the risk of this meeting,
the risk is hidden in another thing --
the risk that we are too late to help.
Mr. Laungton, you're welcome.
Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen.
I have listened with astonishment to
this very interesting --
but absolutely fantastic
speech from president Krylov.
What the respected president said is
romantic and beautiful, but impossible.
Our mechanical spies have
reached Mars and Venera.
It is obviously that neighboring
planets civilisations --
interpret this as an attempt
to conquer circumsolar space.
I accentuate, dear colleagues,
that I would be happy if I'm wrong.
These are thoughts of not a scientist
but a politician from the past.
Not a scientist?
Maybe, but a human who wish to
defend his home --
which also appears as your home too.
And at least, whom will you send
to meet suspense, to the foreign planet?
People who love their planet.
And these are thoughts of
a dreamer, not a scientist.
For doing this we need to make a jump over
centuries of technological progress.
Why not try? We could unite
Мечте навстречу Мечте навстречу

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