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Майами Блюз

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made two deliveries.
Uh, 250 in both.
I'm sorry.
I opened them.
It's OK, Eddie.
Who is it?
Lackley. Vice.
Slide your I. D.
under the door.
Are you fucking serious?
Try me!
Next thing you hear...
will be a bullet
coming through the door!
Pablo sent this.
What's the matter, Sarge?
Got a guilty conscience?
I just got out
of the hospital.
I know all about you.
I like your place here,
too. It's very nice.
You also got
a little something...
that belongs to me,
don't you, Gums?
What the fuck
you talkin' about?
I never seen you
before in my life.
Now, listen, Sarge...
you think you're moving in
on my territory?
I think you better
cough up...
some "do-re-mi" right now.
500 bucks. Let's have it.
What 500 bucks?
What are you
talking about?
-Fuck off!
-Fuck off?!
You go to Pablo...
you cut yourself in
on my action.
You don't think
I'm coming after you?
Jesus Christ!
You got a lot of balls!
And Pablo wants the hooker
back on the job...
tomorrow at 10:00,
and all is forgiven, Gums.
What hooker?
He got your gun
and your badge...
and your teeth.
You are a disgrace
to the police force.
Junior "Bullshit" Gotlieb.
Hey, you got
a piece, Eddie?
No. A gun. I need it.
Hold on.
Hair trigger.
Hollow points.
Thanks, Eddie.
Right in here.
Where's Antonio?
On your feet, pal.
Turn around.
Move it.
Police raid!
Everybody freeze!
Run for it!
Yo! Hey, guys!
Come on back.
Where are you goin'?
Come on.
I got this covered!
At ease, officer.
I think you'd better
check with your superiors.
Remain silent.
Hey, I pay good money
to the right people, huh?
Were you out
at the airport today?
Was I out
at the airport today?
What, are you crazy?
You ever stood
in a line-up before?
Oh, yeah. I stood in
a line-up before.
OK. I want you to
line up there!
Hey, what the hell's
going on here?
Shut up!
You own a suede
sports coat?
Courtesy van?
You ain't no cop.
Oh, I'm a cop.
Prove it, slick.
You're not walking...
You crazy son of a bitch!
I'll kick the living shit...
Take it easy, Scanlan.
Hey, Smiley.
How are you?
Ellita Sanchez?
Hoke Moseley.
I've been calling you.
Don't they have someone
at that desk to answer?
Yeah...but he's deaf.
Got something?
Prints I. D.
on those beer bottles.
That's the son of a bitch!
"Frederick J. Frenger,
Junior Gotlieb.
I knew that was bullshit.
I got something
on the real Gotlieb.
Mugged. D. O. A...
at the San Francisco
Airport Hospital.
That sound
like Junior's M. O.?
Murder one.
We can nail him as the
Krishna finger killer, I bet.
He's grown up behind bars.
And look at this.
Someone charged
a suede sport coat...
on the real Gotlieb's
credit card...
after he was dead.
We got the motherfucker!
I'm sorry. Habit.
I ran his real name
by the utilities...
but I turned up nothing.
He wouldn't use
his real name.
Well, if he did...
we'd be knocking
on his door right now.
What about Waggoner?
I called every utility
in Dade.
Even bottled water.
I'm sitting here
having my lunch...
waiting for
a call back, OK?
Sitting on your lunch?
Try Broward.
Look, I know you think
I'm a weak suck...
but I don't care.
The guy who did this
to me...this Frenger...
Junior...he's got
my old badge, Sanchez.
He's running around
playing cop...
and beating people.
I'm doing everything
I can to help.
Call me if you
hear anything.
Put the funny book down!
Give me the fuckin' cash...
or I'll blow
your fuckin' head off!
No, don't count it,
Goddamn it!
Drop the gun, son.
I know what it's like...
to be on the other end
of that gun.
You're making
a big mistake.
I tell you what...
you put down the gun,
give back the money...
and I'll let you
walk on out of here.
You walk out that door...
your life is
gonna change forever.
Hold your fire,
you asshole!
What the fuck?!
Hey, you OK?
Майами Блюз Майами Блюз

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- текст Аэроплан! на английском
- текст Золушка на английском
- текст Мой телохранитель на английском
- текст Антикиллер на английском
- текст Война в доме на английском

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