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Майами Блюз

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Hey, you know,
you still haven't told me...
what it is you do.
Oh, I got investments.
I take people's money
and put it to work.
You got any?
I got a $10,000 CD...
and I take
the interest from that...
and I put it
into a N. O. W. account.
Jesus Christ.
That's the biggest
frigging racket going.
I want you
to march straight down...
to the bank first thing
in the morning...
and cash in both
of those things.
I can't let my fiancee
get ripped-off...
when I can
double your money.
How 'bout that poem
we were gonna write?
We make love a lot.
We make love right now.
No. It's seven
in the second line.
Seven in the second line?
Splashes around
in his pond...
Could you
close the door, please?
Thinking he's...
Breaking, entering...
the dark
and lonely place...places.
Finding a...big gun.
Smelling like a rose.
Any luck?
I wrote 2. Heh.
Maybe I'll get extra credit.
Hey, where did you
get these?
Dumb question.
-Are you a nosy rosy?
What the hell
was that, man?
The doorbell.
Talk about dumb questions.
Susan Waggoner?
Can I come in?
I bet you're
Herman Gotlieb.
How much?
Sergeant Hoke Moseley.
Herman Gotlieb.
I'd like to ask you
a few questions. Routine.
Boy, you got
a grip there, Herman.
Been working out?
Can I get you
a cold one there, Sarge?
Well, why not?
Two Polars, honey.
You down at the airport
today, Herman?
Yeah, I was.
Somebody broke
the finger off
a Hare Krishna...
and the son
of a bitch died.
No shit?
No shit.
I didn't do it.
Oh, no, no, no.
We're just looking
for someone...
who might have seen
I'm curious, uh...
you own
a suede sport coat?
Yeah, I do.
OK. You're probably
the one.
Did you get on
the courtesy van...
to the Grand Prix Hotel?
Hey, fuck
this nonsense, man.
You're misunderstanding
this, Herman.
Who got killed?
You know, if I had
something better to do...
like sit at home
with a beautiful girl...
I wouldn't even be
bothering you, but, uh...
you were mentioned
as a possible witness.
See anything?
We got this
forensic dentist.
And I, uh, I talked him
into pulling my teeth...
and fixing me
some new chompers.
Well, it took two months
of his spare time.
And I got so used to
drinking without 'em...
I just pull 'em out.
Bother you?
you want me to fix
those pork chops now?
Hell, I'll put 'em
back in for pork chops.
Pork chops comin' up.
your fiancee...
is the best cook
in South Florida.
More taters?
So, Herman, where
did you do your time?
What do you mean?
Well, the way you're
guarding that food.
You know...
like another con could
take it away from you.
Well, I was raised
in foster homes, you know?
I didn't get no dessert
till I was in eighth grade.
I got a daughter
in the eighth grade.
Half my paycheck goes
to her orthodontist.
She's got your teeth, man.
Yeah. The joint's
about the only place...
you got time to work out
to get a grip like that.
I was an aerobics
Shoots the shit
out of that theory.
Any more Polars?
Junior got
the last one.
I could run out
and get some.
Beer's gone, I'm gone.
You're kidding.
But, you know,
I gotta get...
that pork chop
recipe first.
No. Are you serious?
It's so easy, what I did.
You are definitely
not gonna have...
to write this down.
All it is is pork chops
in a frying pan.
And just cook 'em
in their own fat...
with a lot of salt.
Oh, well,
they sure were good...
but you know
what I really like...
is native Florida cooking.
Now, did you ever have
chestnut batter...
on your pork chops?
Boy, I never did.
You got a recipe
for that somewhere?
Uh, yeah, I do,
as a matter of fact.
I'll give it to you.
Just a minute here.
Oh, I appreciate that.
Great dinner.
Get you something
to go, Sarge?
Just you.
Kidding, Herman.
Listen, if you
think of anything...
just, uh, give me a call.
That's my
Майами Блюз Майами Блюз

Читайте также:
- текст Гамлет на английском
- текст Тайна железной двери на английском
- текст Свадьба на английском
- текст Корабль чудовищ на английском
- текст Персона на английском

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