away. What did the Krishna do to die? Where did you get that jacket? Herman Gotlieb. Stand up. Back up slowly. Turn around and face the wall. I don't think I can do that. I'll pass out. Most of my fingers have been cut off... and I'll probably go into shock any minute now. Move it! Everything's turning all orange and silver. Susie's going to get you, Sarge. Hello. Did you kill him? Good-bye, Junior. You don't have to answer if you don't want to... but, uh...gotta clear a few things up. Did you know Junior was gonna rob the store? I was hoping he wouldn't. He swore to me. I had to give him the benefit of the doubt... because he had some good qualities. He always ate everything I ever cooked for him. And he never hit me. There were lots of good things about Junior. Listen, Hoke, this is exactly what happened... or you're in big jurisdictional trouble. You were tailing him... a murder suspect. You see him coming out of the coin shop... with a gun in his hand. Suspecting him of robbery, you called for back-up... and you followed him to the house. He pulled a gun on you, and you shot him. Something like that. Exactly like that. There's only one problem, though: the girl. She'll blow holes in this story. Cut her loose. Is she really Princess Not-So-Bright... or is she just pretending? Ah, she's been through hell. Leave her alone. Let's get the fuck out of here. You look different. I got my teeth back.Oh, thank you very much. Uh, may I trouble you for a pillow? Sure. Great. Thank you. Excuse me. I guess we're going to be a while. Ha ha ha! You're funny. The temperature in Miami... is currently 86 degrees and muggy. We will be starting our descent for landing... in just a few moments. Herman Gotlieb... Gotlieb. Please remain seated with your seat belts on... until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign. All passengers holding tickets... to Eastern Flight 162 to Tampa... please come to the ticket counter. Hey. Wow! Thanks. All passengers leaving on Flight 266... please go directly to the check-in desk... at Gate 6. All passengers leaving... Hi. Please go directly to the check-in desk... Hi. Hi there. Going home? I'd like to tell you about a book. It's a classic of the Vedic literature... "The Knowledge of God." Have you seen the movie "Gandhi?" My name's Ravindra. What's your name? Trouble. Mr. Gotlieb... You know, anything you want. Hey, send me up a girl, Pablo. Now. You got any of that hundred... I gave you last week? I got all of it, man... but I'm not lending you no more money. Come on, Blink. Look. 50 bucks till payday. Moseley. Homicide. A what died? All right. Right away. I'll pay to find the dumbbell killers. What's it worth to you? $61.35. $65.59. Thanks, Blink. Hey, man, replace your teeth. Hi. Pablo sent me. How old are you, anyway? 19...and my name is Pepper. You got a driver's license on you, Pepper? What's wrong with Susan Waggoner? You know, Susie... this license here says you're 23 years old. I know what it says. You can call me Junior. You around a size 7? Where? Dress. Oh. Uh, 6. Sometimes 7. Depends on... Here. Try this on. Could you turn around, please? Thank you. Can you zip me up? Yeah. Oh... it looks nice to me. You want me to wear it? Fuck, no. I want you to buy it. 50 bucks. It might be worth a suck. Is that what you're getting for a suck... these days, 50 bucks? Christ. Where did you get all these nice things? Oh, when I left my wife I took 'em with me. Figured I paid for 'em, they're my clothes, right? You left your wife? How long you been working for Pablo? Since the beginning of the semester. I go to Miami-Dade. l...I'm majoring in business... but I also take English classes. Yeah, well... the first thing they should have taught you... at your hooker classes... is you shouldn't ask the clients.. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Бежим без оглядки на английском - текст Руслан и Людмила на английском - текст Его звали Роберт на английском - текст Дядя Бак на английском - текст Звёздный путь: Следующее поколение на английском |