their finger back... -Murder one? -Yeah. Well, the guys at the station... are going to laugh their asses off... Your turn to notify next of kin. No way! I did the fat lady that sat on a kid. That's good for 2. Next week? I'll be retired by then. Ah, shit. Well, you try the hotels. See if anyone got off one of their courtesy vans... wearing a suede sport coat. Ah, shit. This is good here. Oh, excuse me. Maybe we should try in here. All right. Price check. Uzi squirt gun. Disregard. What's up? Got something for me? I got the goods. Whoa! In the bag. Now! Up against the wall. Now! Be cool, brother. Hey, he's got a gun! Let's get out of here! Move it! Give me a day's notice before it runs out, OK? Wednesday. Tell me Tuesday. Looky, we got a million dollars. We got a million... Brazilian dollars. Absolutely worthless. "That's a lot of money, man. "That's a lot of fucking money. "I don't think you are a Porsche customer... "Mr. Frenger. "I don't think you really want to buy a Porsche. Do you want to buy a Porsche?" No, man! I'm here to waste my time. How much for the speedboat, man? "Oh, the speedboat is very expensive, sir. That speedboat is $50,000." Wrap it up, man. Yeah. The bellman said... some guy matching the description... got off a courtesy van. Registered. Yeah. Got a name? Name was, uh... Herman Gotlieb. Yeah. I'm in the room right now. Coat's here, too. Coat? What else? Well, the bellman also said... the guy had a hooker with him. -A hooker? -Yeah. No lie? I got an address on her. An address? Oh, man. Got a pen handy there, Hoke? Give me the hooker's address. -Hi! -Hey. You showed up. I brought you a present. Oh, really? I got you one, too. A present from a client. Well, hey, I'm more than a client. "Shit happens when you party naked!" Look at us. I was just gonna get you the plain "Shit happens..." but I thought you'd like the "party naked" part. Hey, that's the best part. Hi. Um, circe salad, Noira. It's real good, Junior. Two. Right away. So, uh, Susie... tell me how you wound up living in Miami. Oh, I got a job at a Burger World... up in Hollywood... and I was gonna, you know... save up and get my own franchise... but Pablo offered me this job. Well, it pays a whole lot better. This is a nice cup, Junior. I'm gonna get a lot of use out of this. It's a good cup. Hey, did you see the swimmers? That's why I picked this place. They do, like, a water ballet. Ballet in the water. I like it. 'Cause I like to swim myself. I'd rather do that kind of work, you know? But you gotta train for a long time. So now I want to take a Spanish course in college. You know, in my business... a lot of people don't speak English... so I think I'd be better at it... if I spoke...thank you. We'll take the check now. Yes, sir. You know, like, well, Cuban, also. And I think that's sort of like Spanish...Cuban... but it's a little different. This ice cream dressing is sour as shit. It's yogurt dressing, not ice cream. Where you been? Oh, that's OK. I never had yogurt dressing... up in Okeechobee. Where is that? That's where I'm from. You heard of Lake Okeechobee. I'm from California. I don't know shit about Florida. You ever heard of Lake Tahoe? Lake Tahoe? How is it? Lousy. Who is he? We're engaged. Hey, separate checks. My treat. Good luck. Hey, Susie... we're not gonna be calling it a night, are we? I got a homework paper. I gotta write a haiku for English class. I tell you what. I'm real good at making up things... you know, poems. I could come over. I could help you write your, uh... Haiku? Definitely. Let's get out of here. Thank you. I'm sorry. I liked the food. Bye. So you think this unidentified assailant... who broke, uh... Ravindra's finger did it on purpose? Sorry, uh...Ramba. That's all right. Heh. That was a short ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Здравствуйте, я ваша тётя! на английском - текст Как ни крути – проиграешь на английском - текст Курица на ветру на английском - текст Шинель на английском - текст Кудряшка Сью на английском |