gem quality. - Around the size of my little fingernail. - You're talking six carat, sir. - More probably. - Would that be prohibitive? - 15,000. - 15... Per carat, naturally. - Naturally. - I know you. Perhaps you do. I'm pretty good at faces myself. - I know this man. - Christopher Hesse. How do you do? Christopher Hesse. How do you do? Wait, let me think... I think... Surely, you came to our antique shop in London? - No, that wasn't it. - No? But you've been to London? - But I don't think... - Hesse of Golders Green, since '33, when we got out of Germany. - Our shop is quite fashionable now. - I always wanted to visit London. I suggest you hurry while it's still there. I thank you for your time. I'm sorry. 90,000 is far too high for me. Our little shop isn't that fashionable. Thank you. I know that man. It can't be... ...Szell? Szell. Szell! Szell! Szell! My God! Stop him! Szell! Stop Szell! It's Szell. Der WeiBe Engel! Der WeiBe Engel is here. Oh, my God. Stop him. Stop him! Der WeiBe Engel! Der WeiBe Engel. He has to be stopped. My God! He gets away. Der WeiBe Engel is here! Szell. Stop him! Oh, please help me. He's a beast. He's a murderer. You must stop him. Oh, my God, there he goes! - He's getting away! - She's crazy. Der WeiBe Engel is here! Stop him! Stop him! I will stop him! I will stop him! The beast! The beast! Szell! I know who you are, you murderer. I know who you are! Help! Help! The man needs help here! Help! Quick! A doctor! Quick! 58th Street and Madison. - Morning, sir. Thank you. - Thank you. Two-five-nine-six-six. All finished, Henry. Thank you. - Everything all right, Mrs Rosenheim? - Oh, yes. See you next week. There you are, sir. Close the door for the light, sir. No one can enter. Everything all right, sir? Yeah...! Yes! It isn't safe. Move. They're all dead. Move. - You'd be foolish to do anything hasty. - Move. - I have things in my possession... - Just keep moving. Name is Arnie, walks with a limp, green jacket, brown pants. Ten-four. - What are you guys doing in here? - We'll just be a little while. - There's nobody allowed in here. - Well, get out! Get out! Hurry up! OK, let's see what you got. If you will just give me a chance to get this open. That's OK. Take your time. All this happened because you were afraid you were gonna be robbed? Yes. But you weren't sure. No. Jesus Christ. I was in a state of hysteria, you know. Don't you want to take a closer look than that? - No. - You see... a sense, one becomes more emotional with age. First after a lifetime of being taken by friends and enemies alike, and then, just when you think you have your possession sure, your health begins to go. - That is, of course, the ultimate theft. - That's close enough. - In the circumstances, one's paranoia... - Close enough! - ...gets out of hand. - Stop! Well? What are you going to do now, shoot me? No, I don't think so. Then you'll take these from me. If I could say a word about that? No, you can keep them. You can keep as many as you can swallow. Pardon me. I'm not quite sure what you said. Swallow? Yeah, swallow. Eat. Essen. - You're joking. - No, I don't think so. I'm not joking. Essen. - Essen! - No, wait! That man who was here has seen your gun! He'll bring others! Swallow! This is madness! Mad... Swallow. Again. No. I won't. You'll have to shoot me. Come on. Shoot. You won't. You can't. You're too weak. Your father was weak in his way, your brother in his, now you in yours. You are all so predictable. Nein! Go get them!I'll take that now, sir. Thank you. - There you are, sir. - Thank you. - It's the heater switch. - You told me that last week. - You didn't leave it long enough. - Work on it now. - You got an appointment? - What are you, a doctor? The bakery workers' strike continues with no bread for a week. Unseasonable temperatures for New
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