- They won't know till they talk with you. I'm staying across the park, at The Carlyle, and if you don't mind, I'd like to use you as bait. - Bait. - Yes. - Will they come tonight? - No. I know it's risky, and I don't wanna force you to do it. It's up to you. Tub. All right. All right, I got it. Here it is. Turn it off. All right. Shit. Jesus! Shit. Help! Help! Help! Please! Somebody help me! Help! Help!Help! Help! Is it safe? - Is it safe? - Are you talking to me? - Is it safe? - Is what safe? - Is it safe? - I don't know what you mean. I can't tell you if something is safe or not unless I know specifically what you're talking about. Is it safe? Tell me what the "it" refers to. Is it safe? Yes, it's safe. It's very safe. So safe you wouldn't believe it. Is it safe? No, it's not safe. It's very dangerous. Be careful. Relax, relax. Come on. Open. Open. It's OK. That hurt? I should think it would. You should take better care of your teeth. You have quite a cavity here. - Is it safe? - I told you I can't tell you... - Think he knows? - Of course. He's being very stubborn. No, please. Please don't. No. It's OK. Is it not remarkable? Simple oil of cloves and how amazing the results. Life can be that simple; relief - discomfort. Now, which of these I next apply, that decision is in your hands, so... ...take your time and tell me. - Is it safe? - Please... Please stop. - Take him. - I got him. More. Thank you. More. Thank you. Thank you. Things are coming together. Down, or your head gets blown off. Those two guys I wasted work for Christian Szell. Know that name? - No. - He did experiments at Auschwitz. He was called The White Angel, Der WeiBe Engel, due to his white hair. The wealthiest and most wanted Nazi left alive. He's hiding out in Uruguay. In '45 Szell told Jews in Auschwitz he'd help them escape for a price. He started out with gold, naturally, but went on to diamonds. Heard this? Szell saw the end early. His brother took the diamonds to America, to a safe deposit box in NY. Szell's brother had the key. The only other key Szell kept in Uruguay. If he comes out to use it, he'll expose himself to great risk. Everything went fine till his brother got killed by an oil truck. Why was it natural to start with gold? He took it from the Jews' teeth before he burned them. Szell was a dentist. He's not coming to America, Mr Janeway. He's here. - No. We'd have known it. - The dentist almost killed me. - He kept saying, "Is it safe?" - White hair? Keep your head down! - Did he have white hair? - He was bald. He's shaved his head! He's here, and he's panicked. - Why is he after me? - Your brother was a diamond courier. Szell thinks Doc said something to you before he died. Did he? - You say my brother worked for Szell? - No! He worked for us. Everything we do cuts both ways. Szell ratted on all his buddies. He kept track on all the Nazis. When we wanted to bring one in, we went to Szell. Babe, you gotta do one thing for me, just one thing. - Quit protecting Doc! - I'm not. - He kept alive to say something. - He didn't. He must have. Tell me! - Nothing! - Shit! I thought you killed them. You killed them! You killed them! You killed them! You fucking killed them! You killed my brother! I don't think he knows anything. I think he knows too much. You can afford to think what you wish. I can't. The gun had blanks, the knife a retractable blade. Hardly original, but effective enough. I think you'll agree. I'm told you are a graduate student. Brilliant, yeah? You're an historian, and I am part of history. I should have thought you would have found me interesting. Frankly, I am disappointed in your silence. Why do you have so little accent? I had alexia as a child. Alexia is a disease... I know. It's where you can't understand written speech. Highest marks. At any event, my writing is childish
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