disowned him. Why are you at Columbia for your doctorate? It's not just the way things worked out. You're father got his at Columbia. You can't fill his footsteps, I'm sorry to say. You might end up leaving larger tracks than Dad, but they'll be your tracks, they won't be his. Why didn't you answer that Tennyson question? It was obvious you knew. I... I don't know. How am I to fathom your mind if you continue to hide it from me? If you persist, I'll conclude you're a drone. The McCarthy section is central to your dissertation, yes? The McCarthy section is central to your dissertation, yes? - Yes. - Very worrisome. You wish to write about a period in our history that destroyed your father. But we're talking about an objective doctoral thesis. It mustn't become a hysterical crusade. That's not the way to clear him. All right, you may go. I don't have to worry about clearing him, because he was innocent. - Don't you think he was innocent, sir? - No, I think he was guilty. He was guilty of being arrogant and brilliant and of being naпve. Of not being able to cope with the humiliation of being dismissed. But of the charges I know he was innocent. And if it matters, Levy, I wept the day he died. It was a bad day for all of us, sir. Under no circumstances do anything, but call as soon as you... Yes, I have the number. Bye. Bonjour. Commander. We're meeting tonight, right? - At the hotel? - No, make it the Palais Royal. - Same time, then. - I don't know. I'm going to the opera. - You go to the opera? Bye. - Goodbye. There's something going on here that we don't know about. - Can't you be more specific? - Yes. I almost got my ass blown off at the flea market. I'd like to find out by whom and why. Also, LeClerc was not expecting me. You sure you're not overusing your limited imagination? The bomb was not imaginary. Three bombs a day have gone off since the strikes began. - I know that. - Everyone with a grievance is busy. - Am I crazy? - Yeah, you're crazy. - But you'll check it out? - Of course. Why do you need to be reassured? We use you because you're the best. I'm sorry I'm so late. I was down... LeClerc, want to hear something really silly? Nicole? Nicole. Keep going, keep going. LeClerc's dead. It's not safe. Nicole? - Division. - Scylla. - Yes, Scylla? - Removals. - My hotel. - Room 72? - And... alert the clinic. - OK, Scylla. Sorry. What was all that about? I was just telling him how you fucked up my tennis game. - What did he say? - Well... We won't be playing doubles for a while. Can you move it? - That's it? - That's it. That's not bad. Szell's brother's been killed, in Manhattan. An accident with an oil truck. Oh, boy. - Any changes? - Only everything. They're getting all the couriers. Please could you tell me, Boss Tweed, around 1875...? Boss, is that his name? Boss? No, that's his nickname. William Marcy Tweed. - Marthy...? - I'll write it down for you. They called him Boss, because... ...he was a corrupt politician. He had a bunch of political hacks called The Tweed Ring. This I know. Thank you. - Could I have the pencil, please? - It's mine. Miss Opel! Miss Opel! Miss Opel. Hi. Sorry. You forgot your book. I thought it might be important. - Thank you. Bye. - Bye. Your name and address were on the inside of it. In case you were wondering how I knew where you live. I wasn't. Thank you again. Bye. Bye. - Goodbye. - Bye. You say "good night", but you don't go. I twisted my ankle on the way. I was hoping to rest it. But you're not limping. I'm a marathon runner. When you race 26 miles you don't give in to pain. - It hurts, but I don't pay any attention. - You won at this? I haven't run a whole marathon yet, but I hope to. I wish you good luck. Bye. - I'm sorry I stole your book. - What? I took your book. I didn't know how to talk to you. I was embarrassed, so I took your book.
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