Shame! I didn't steal it. She bought it for me. - Who? The enchanted peasant girl? - Yes! You are a certified sicko. And to think I even gave you my flower. Oh, look, there's your main squeeze. Jessie. Come on, let her go. Look, she's real, I swear! Oh, my God! He's in love with a dummy. Wait a minute, honey. I was gonna do that. Okay, we have what we come for. Right? Now, to the airport, quick. Just one little minute. Count, we have a presentation tomorrow afternoon. I know that but... And we have a contract that you are not going to break. - I know that but... - Grab the dummy. The other dummy. Easy, easy, easy. All right, it's all right. You must be very, very gentle. The necklace! That's it! That's what he's using! Just take the necklace off, you'll see she's real. I swear! - Take it off! - Yes, and I'm Rumpelstiltskin. Get him out of here. No, no, it's true. It's true. No one could make up a story like that, except perhaps someone like myself. And, Count, please, don't worry your pretty little wart... Face about all this. We'll have some very large, armed gentlemen to guard her. Tomorrow afternoon, she'll be all yours. Thank you so much. I never had this problem at Kmart. Too much red meat. All right, come on. So, all we have to do is wait till the presentation is over tomorrow. They will hand us the girl. Then it's off to Bermuda. Bermuda! Up, shut up! Go on, get on now. Go, go, go. Go, ja. Go. I am so sorry, madam, to have taken all your time. Once again left holding the bag. Oh, nothing personal. I've danced alone a thousand times To songs that no one else could even hear I've reached into the flame of love I couldn't hold it And it disappeared I've lived to learn to hate the blues I've lived with everything but you I can't believe my eyes I see you here Lookin'just the way you should Oh, so good It's too good to be true I lived my life To be lying here with you I'm here to pick up one of my men and take him downtown. - We are downtown. - Oh. I mean down downtown. Way, way down. He's gonna be digging latrines for years. Who are you? Staff Sergeant Montrose, sir. Butch Montrose. What do you want with the prisoner? Well, he took a powder, you know. What's that word? - AWOL? - That's it. He's gonna be court-martialed at 2500 hours. - You got a name? - Staff Sergeant Butch Montrose. Not yours, the prisoner's. Oh. Williamson, sir. Jason Williamson. - The nut with the dummy! - I know. It's sad, isn't it? Hey, Al, take this guy down to the holding cell. Give him 307, you know, the dummy kid. Thank you, sir. Hey, You didn't sign these. So sorry. Ta. Williamson, got a friend of yours here. Williamson, follow me. - I hope this works. - Too outrageous not to. Let those feet hit that street. - Hey! - We're moving. Hold it right there! Run, Jason! Get back here! Get back here! Sorry. Car! - Mom! - Come on, what kind of kid did I raise? You got cops on your tail, you keep your head down! I have to save her, Hollywood. They are guarding her like Fort Knox. But, hold on tight. This old bossman's got a plan. Sheila Barberstein and her sister. Sheila's father does marvelous work. Nice to see you. Well, Count. May I call you Gunter? No, no. Uh-uh. Everything seems to be going very smoothly. Well, you better hope it stay that way, huh? Yes. Well, I've personally attended to every... Oh, my God. Teen-A-Rama, Philadelphia. You know what this means? We'll be swamped with teenagers. - That's terrible, sir. - No, that's wonderful, you tall twit. Teens are insatiable consumers. They spend hard cash. Take a memo. Mark everything in the Junior Department up 10єє. 15єє. I want to be sure that the Prince and Company banner will be prominently displayed on... Will be prominently displayed on the screen at all ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Курица на ветру на английском - текст Первая кровь на английском - текст Поздняя весна на английском - текст Рассказ домовладельца на английском - текст Хорнблауэр: Экзамен на лейтенанта на английском |