You wrote me that when you got home you and l were going to be married. lf you wrote that once, you wrote it 100 times. lsn't that true? Yes, but things are different now. Have you changed your mind? Have l said anything about changing my mind? No. That's just it. You haven't said anything about anything. - That's not loaded, is it? - Of course it isn't. Don't you think l know how to handle a gun? l don't know what to think, Homer. All l know is, l was in love with you when you left and l'm in love with you now. Other things may have changed, but that hasn't. You wanna see how the hooks work? You wanna see the freak? All right, l'll show you! Take a good look! l didn't mean anything, Homer. l was only... l'm... l'm sorry, Luella. lt isn't your fault. Go on and play with your friends. l know, Wilma. l was wrong. l shouldn't have acted like that. lt wasn't her that... burned my hands off. l'll be all right. l just gotta work it out myself. - l could help you, Homer, if you'd let me. - l've gotta work it out myself. All l've wanted is for people to treat me like anybody else, instead of pitying me. l guess it's hard for them to do that. l've just gotta learn to get used to it and pay no attention. - Couldn't l...? - No! l've gotta do it myself. - Yes? - OK, Pop, l'm going to bed now. Be right with you, Homer. - Night, son. - Good night, Pop. Thanks. - Hello, babe. - What you got there? Our supper. Cream of corn soup, potato salad, salami and liverwurst. We're going to Jackie's Hot Spot. l made a reservation. - We're eating at home. - Are you sick or something? No, dear. Broke. - Broke? - You got it. Well, what happened? Where did it go to? We spent it, babe. That's what happened. l didn't tell you the money was almost gone because l kept hoping l was gonna land a good job. But l'm not going to get one, so we'll have to forget about Jackie's Hot Spot and the Blue Devil and all the rest. Why couldn't you get a job? Have you tried? Sure. l've been all over town - all the employment offices and the USES. They say l ought to spend a couple of years as an apprentice, or go to a trade school. A couple of years, with you going to kindergarten. And what would l be doing in the meantime? You can always help me with my homework. - Fred. - Yeah? - Are you really all right? - Of course l'm all right. Why? l mean, in your mind. ls anything...? My mind?! You mean you think l'm going goofy? l've been wondering. What was Gadowsky? - Where did you hear about him? - You talk in your sleep. Something's on fire and you want somebody to get out. You keep saying ''Gadowsky! Gadowsky!'' Gadorsky. He was a friend of mine, a B-1 7 pilot. He got it over Berlin. - Can't you get it out of your system? - Oh, sure The war's over. You won't get anyplace till you stop thinking about it. - Come on, snap out of it! - OK, honey, l'll do that l didn't tell you, Fred, but l got a little money saved. Dinner's on me tonight. You'd better keep on saving it. lt might come in handy sometime. l appreciate the offer, but we're eating at home. Well, l'm hungry. l'm going out by myself. - You're not going. You'll eat what l cook. - Let go of me! When we married, the justice of the peace said ''For better, for worse''. Remember? - This is the ''worse''. - When do we get the ''better''? When l get wise to myself, l guess. When l realise l'm not an officer and a gentleman any more, l'm just another soda jerk out of a job. Go and sit down and read a magazine or listen to the radio while l cook the soup. l'll fix you a nice meal, honey. Just like l used to do behind the fountain, before the war. Perfume and Cosmetics is our outstanding feature. lt accounts for 34°/. of gross intake and an even higher proportion of profits. As you will surmise, our customers in this department are women. Yes, l'd surmised that. You must familiarise yourself with ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Бежим без оглядки на английском - текст Москва-Кассиопея на английском - текст Судьба человека на английском - текст Волкодав из рода Серых Псов на английском - текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей на английском |