Cliff waiting. - What are you gonna do? - l'm going away. - Where? - As far away from Boone City as l can get. That's a good idea. You'll get a good job someplace else. There are drugstores everywhere. Here's an old sweater l found. Remember? - Sure. - You might need it sometime. - Thanks, Hortense. - You forgot these, son. - Oh, l don't want 'em, Pop. - What are they? Fancy words that don't mean anything. You can throw 'em away. Say, these are citations for your medals. Why, Freddy, you never showed them to us. Those things came in the packages with K rations. Well, we'll treasure them, my boy. l'll get the socks l washed for you. Think you're doing the right thing, son? Going? Who's to say in advance whether it's the right thing or the wrong thing? lt just means a fresh start in some other place. How do you know it'll be different anyplace else? There's a need here for fellas like yourself that fought and won the war. l know you haven't had the best of breaks since you got back, but... you ought to stick here and slug it out a while longer on your own home ground. You're all right, Pop. But l know when it's time to bail out. l gotta get going. - Here are your clean socks, Fred. - Just put 'em in here. - Take good care of the old man. - l'll do my best. - But we'll miss you, Freddy. - You ought to be used to that by now. So long, Pop. We've got two flights going out of here tonight. One eastbound, one westbound. You'll have to ask the pilot. Which way you going? Which one leaves first? Eastbound. Eight o'clock. That'll be fine. l'll just hang around the field until then. You don't seem to care where you're going. That's right, chum. l don't. Hortense. Hortense! Listen to this. Sit down. ''Headquarters, 8th Air Force. Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.'' Um... Here. ''Despite intense pain, shock and loss of blood, with complete disregard of his personal safety, Captain Derry crawled back to his bombsight, guided his formation on a perfect run over the objective and released his bombs with great accuracy.'' ''The heroism, devotion to duty, professional skill and coolness under fire displayed by Captain Derry, under the most difficult conditions, reflect highest credit on himself and the Armed Forces of the United States.'' ''By command of Lieutenant General Doolittle.'' Hey, bud, what are you doing up there? Hey, you! What are you doing in that airplane? - l used to work in one of those. - Reviving old memories, huh? Or maybe getting some of 'em out of my system. Well, take your last look. We're breaking 'em up. Yeah, l know. You're the junkman. You get everything sooner or later. This is no junk. We're using this material for building prefabricated houses. You don't need any help, do you? - Out of a job? - That's it. l see. One of the fallen angels of the air force. Well, pardon me if l show no sympathy. While you glamour boys were up in the wild blue yonder, l was down in a tank. Sometime l'll be glad to hear the story of your war experiences. What l asked you for was a job. Have you got one? - Do you know anything about building? - No. But l know how to learn. Same as l learned that job up there. - Hey, Gus. - Yes? See if you think this guy can be of any use to us. Thanks. Now, children, let's remember the words. The bride will come down those stairs. When l see her l'll hit the first note, then l'll nod my head and then we'll sing, huh? All right, let's try it. - Here she comes. - Here... Wait for the note. Here's comes the bri... That's fine. - Mrs Cameron? - Yes. Mrs Stephenson? - Yes. - Come right in, won't you? - My daughter. - How do you do? - How do you do, Mrs Cameron? - How do you do? - There you go. - You shouldn't have. - My daughter. - Miss Stephenson. - Hello. - Hello, Mr Cameron. Meet Homer's folks. Mr and Mrs Stephenson. Miss Stephenson. - How do you do? - How ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Знакомство на английском - текст Бременские музыканты на английском - текст Стальной рассвет на английском - текст Готов! на английском - текст Первая кровь на английском |