they want. - Any kind of beer. - What'll it be, folks? - How are you? - Hiya. - Nice to see you. Looking well. - Hello. A little grey... - (British accent) Well, cheers. Cheers. - Cheers! Homer. Homer. OK, Butch. Aren't you drinking? - Excuse me, folks. - Sure, Homer. Gee, Butch, it's swell to hear you playing again. How about ''Lazy River''? Remember that? Sit down, Homer. ( ''Lazy River'') - Wilma phoned. - Wilma? - What did she want? - You. Oh, why can't they leave a guy alone? Because they're fond of you, that's why. What made you leave the house and get them worried? Oh, they... they got me nervous. - How? - lt's nothing. l don't wanna talk about it. How'd they get you nervous? Well, they... They keep staring at these hooks, or else they keep staring away from 'em. You mean whatever they do is wrong. Why don't they understand that all l want is to be treated like everybody else? Take Pop, for instance. He was cleaning his pipe, like l've seen him do a million times. All of a sudden he got conscious that he had hands and l didn't, and he... he stopped cleaning his pipe and he tried to hide his hands, like he was guilty or something. Give 'em time, kid. They'll catch on. You know, your folks'll get used to you and you'll get used to them. Then everything'll settle down nicely. Unless we have another war. Then none of us have to worry, because we'll all be blown to bits the first day. So cheer up, huh? Hey, Butch. You know ''Among My Souvenirs'', huh? There's nothing left for me Shh. ( ''Among My Souvenirs'') - Shall we dance? - That's a charming idea. Do you remember this tune? Nice to see the young folks enjoying themselves, isn't it? So you're Al's daughter. Yes. l've been that as long as l can remember. You don't seem like Al's daughter. Actually, l'm not. He's my son by a previous marriage. - What did you say your name was? - Peggy. Peggy. My name's Fred. How do you do? How do you do? No, you... Oh, no. ( ''The Beer-Barrel Polka'') You're a bewitching little creature. - ln a way, you remind me of my wife. - But you never told me you're married. Oh, yeah. l've got a little woman and two kiddies back there in the States. - But let's not think of them now. - Oh, you're so right. This night belongs only to us. That's the type of thing people ought to be thinking about. All right, l promise l'll get right to work on it. And there's one thing l've been wanting to ask you. You ask it, Peggy. You mustn't feel shy with me. Why don't you call your wife? l don't know her number. l couldn't find it in the phone book. Phone book?! We don't need to do any telephoning. We're all set. What you need is a drink. - Good night, everybody. l'm going home. - Why? - l've got to. Butch is gonna drive me. - Oh, no, no. - No, you can't... - lt's quite all right. - Don't leave. l'll be right back. - Good night. - Good night. - Poor kid. He's got to go home. Doesn't that put any ideas in your head? Yes. l'd love to. Lights out, Steve. Oh! Ho-ho-ho! Where do we go next, old pal, old pal? Just follow me, old pal. Step. - Good night, Al. - Good night. Nice party. This it, Fred? lt looks like it. Ooh, silly. Good night, Milly. Many thanks for a most enjoyable evening. - Good night, Fred. - Good night, Al. Best of luck to you. - l'll give him your message. - You do that. (British accent) And good night to you, Peggy. lt has indeed been a pleasure. - Yes, Fred. See you soon. - By all means. Ooh! l beg your pardon. Good night. We'd better wait and see if he gets in. l don't think he even knows if this is the right place. Come on. Up... - Where are we all going now? - Don't ask. We want it to be a surprise. - They make a lovely couple, don't they? - (laughs) Yeah. l think they'll be very happy together. - Who are you? - Don't you remember? l'm Peggy. Oh, yes. Peggy. l'm not that Peggy. That's too bad. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Каникулы в Простоквашино на английском - текст Сети зла на английском - текст Огонь, вода и... медные трубы на английском - текст ...инг на английском - текст Бегство художника на английском |