this country. I thank you. Woody, I can't take it any more. Let's sit down. We can't get out. I'm trapped. How do you do? Ow! Beg your pardon! Well, anyway, we can't fall down. - Is that table satisfactory? - Everything's lovely. Thank you very much. Would you care to order now? Sorry. - I can't understand it. - What? Why you're not mad about me. I think I'm attractive. You are, Woody. You're irresistible. Then why do you go on resisting me? All marriages don't have to be like that one. - Which one? - Your friends, Fred and Marie. - What's wrong with their marriage? - Nothing, except one slight detail. They just don't like each other. It's murder on the dance floor. It's awful! - You don't wanna dance any more? - Love to! You don't mind if I borrow him? No, not at all. - Why did you do this, Peggy? - Do what? What do you mean? Calling up Marie and going out like this. Together. - I did it deliberately. - Why? To prove to myself that what happened this afternoon didn't really happen. But it did happen. It had to happen. And if we go on seeing each other, Peggy, it'll happen again. Be-bop a-ree-bop Be-bop... Excuse us. Excuse me. Excuse me. We want to have a picture taken in a few minutes. Fine. I'll be here. Excuse me. - Hello, Marie. - Good evening. - You got to watch yourself. More wolves! - I know. I'd pay no attention to the sign. Go right in! - Gee, Woody's a cute boy. - He's a lot of fun. He's got dough, too. His family own half the city. He has a terrific yen for you. I don't want to butt into your affairs, but if you take my advice, you'll grab Woody! Woody and I are good friends, but there's no romance. Never mind the romantic part. That takes care of itself. I speak from experience. They'll tell you money isn't everything. Maybe it isn't but, boy, how it helps! While Fred was away I was drawing over $500 a month. I mean, from his army pay and the job I had. Now the two of us gotta live on what Fred gets from the drugstore. 32.50 a week! Poor Fred. Bet you think he's a sourpuss. He didn't used to be that way, though. Army's had an awful effect on him. Knocked all the life out of him! Fred isn't going to be satisfied with that job at the drugstore. - He'll get something better. - Maybe in five years he'll draw 50 bucks. You can't have happy marriages on that kind of dough. You know, Peggy, you're cute. But you could use a little more make-up. And get yourself a better hairdo. I'll give you the name of my hairdresser. Oh, but you've got nothing to worry about. You'll get Woody and live happily ever after. It's in the bag! Thank you. Now, everybody get in close together, put our arms around each other. Come on, Fred. I don't mind. Ooh! Wait, I'll tell you when. Everybody, happy. Let's all be talking. What a marvellous party. We'll have to do this again. OK, shoot the picture! We want four copies, honey. Mr Milton certainly acted enthusiastic about your speech. Yeah, sure. That's how he acted, the old hypocrite. - Suppose he'll fire you in the morning? - No, he'll never do anything impetuous. He'll back me up, till the next time I give a loan to some little guy. Then I'll have to fight it out again. - Yes? - It's me, Peggy. Oh, come in, darling. - Did you have a good time? - Not very. Ah, what's all this? Children's Hour? I beg your pardon. Well? What's she like? I'm glad I went out with them. Even though it was a disagreeable experience. It took guts, honey. But you got plenty. I'll need them. I've made up my mind. - Good girl. - To do what? I'm going to break that marriage up. I can't stand seeing Fred tied to a woman he doesn't love. And who doesn't love him. It's horrible for him. It's humiliating, and it's killing his spirit. Somebody's got to help him. - Are you sure he doesn't love her? - Of course I am. Did he tell you? - Did she? - No. So you just jumped to conclusions! He ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Заклятие долины Змей на английском - текст Огонь, вода и... медные трубы на английском - текст Челюсти на английском - текст Там, на неведомых дорожках... на английском - текст Сириана на английском |