girl of his. Wilma. I hope Wilma is a swell girl. The old home town hasn't changed much. No. There's the golf course. People are playing golf. Just as if nothing had ever happened. Hey, there's Jackson High football field. Boy, I sure would like to have a dollar for every forward pass I threw down there. Good old Jackson High. - Hey, that must be the new airport. - Yeah, we're turning into it now. Holy smoke! I never knew there were so many planes. - And they're junking them. - What? Boy, oh boy. What we could have done with those in '43. Yeah, I'll bet. Some of 'em look brand-new. From the factory to the scrapheap. That's all they're good for now. We gotta get out of the nose while he sets her down. There's the ballpark. - How are the Beavers doing this season? - They're in sixth place. Ah! Still in second division! - Hey, there's Butch's Place. - Butch's? Gosh, Butch has got himself a neon sign. Been to Butch's Place? Butch Engle that runs it is my uncle. Swell guy. Only the family don't think he's respectable because he sells liquor. - Best joint in town. - Let's get together there sometime. This is my street. - 1517? - It's the fourth house from here. I wonder if Wilma's home. How about us going back to Butch's Place? We'll have a couple of drinks and then we can go home. You're home now, kid. Well, so long. - Bye. - So long, Homer. - Where next? - Just a minute, bud. It's Homer! Momma! Daddy! Homer's here! Wilma! Wilma! Wilma, come on over! - My boy. - Oh, darling! It's good to see you. - Isn't this wonderful? - There's Wilma! OK, let's go. - Well... - Don't. I'll carry it. What's the matter, Ma? It's... it's nothing. It's just that your ma's so glad to see you home. Yeah, I know. You gotta hand it to the navy. They sure trained that kid how to use those hooks. They couldn't train him to put his arms around his girl, to stroke her hair. - Is it the next turn up here? - Yeah, the next turn on the left. Hey, Fred, why don't we drop you first? No, you're next. And we're not going back to Butch's for a drink either. Feel as if I were going in to hit a beach. Some barracks you got here. What are you, a retired bootlegger? Nothing as dignified as that. I'm a banker. - How much? - Take your hand out of your pocket. - You're outranked. - Yes, sir, Captain, sir. - Good luck, chum. - Thanks. Yes, I will. Yes, sir. One moment, please. One moment, please! - Who do you wish to see? - Mrs Stephenson. Just a minute. I'll have to announce you first. Put that phone down. I'm her husband. - You're Mr Stephenson? - Sergeant Stephenson. What did you expect? A four-star general? I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. - Fourth floor. - Yes, sir. I'll get it, Peg. Where's Mom? - Da... - Sh. Who's that at the door, Peggy? Peggy! Rob, who was...? - I look terrible. - Who says so? - It isn't fair of you to bust in on us. - I phoned you from Portland. - You said you wouldn't be home for... - We were lucky. We got a plane to Welburn. I thought we were gonna get stuck there, but we came right through. - Al, are you all right? - Sure. - Are you all right? - Course I am. - Let me look at you. - Don't look now, I need a shave. If you don't mind, Mom... Dad... darling. I'll call the Kenworthys and tell them we won't be over. - The Kenworthys? - Yes. My son. And my daughter. I don't recognise you. What's happened? Just a few years of normal growth. Don't you approve? I don't know yet. I've got to have more time to get to know you. Hello? Alice, this is Milly. I'm terribly sorry, but we can't be over. I mean, I'm terribly happy. You see, Al... My husband! Yes. He's home. Yes. Yes. - Freddy! - Hortense. Well, say! Pat! Pat, it's Freddy. He's home again! - Hello, Pop. - I wish we'd known you were coming. We'd have had the place kinda cleaned up. Well? Haven't you got anything to say to your own ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Остров на английском - текст Ночные ястребы на английском - текст Шестнадцать свечей на английском - текст Надолго ли? на английском - текст Гран Торино на английском |