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Лиловый шар

1   2   3   4   5   6   7  
- From where?
- Well, from a star, from the sky.
So the sky isn't solid, after all.
Listen, Alice, is the earth
turning or not?
It's turning.
I told them so!
I'm awfully smart.
Listen to what I thought of
when they were judging me.
Why do we drag everything?
What if we take round blocks,
fix a stick between them,
and put a board on top?
And let it roll by itself.
What do you think? Will it work?
Of course it will.
It's called " the wheel" .
- Gerasik, how long do we have to go?
- We'll be there soon.
Careful on the rocks.
You might break your legs here.
That's them.
- Why?
- They may see us.
The aliens who
flew in on that ship.
It's not a ship, it's an egg.
Gerasik, you don't know everything yet.
You think that
eggs can be this big?
They're as big as they're laid.
I have no time to argue with you.
Now we must find out
if they've come out or not yet.
How can they come out
if the egg is whole?
As soon as the chick hatches,
then beware.
Do you hear
him pecking?
That's their engine.
Now he'll gather strength and get out.
We must wait.
What if they're getting ready
to fly off?
No, eggs don't fly.
- Listen to the idea I got.
- Hush.
He can't hear.
I'll blow up a bubble full of smoke,
tie a basket to it,
sit in the basket and fly.
Isn't it a good idea?
What's this?
It's the Rok bird's chick.
Were you expecting a hen's chick?
What size will he be
when he grows up?
Oh, you're so ignorant
there, in the future.
- Let's run now.
- He's so funny.
When he peck you up, it'll be no fun.
Alice, tell me, why do apples
fall from the tress?
Birds fly,
but apples fall on the ground.
Quiet, that's them.
I don't understand why
she threw eggs about.
- Who?
- The Rok bird.
Gerasik, it's not an egg,
it's a spaceship.
Last time you also said it was
a ship, but it was an egg.
You're so obstinate.
We'll see who's more obstinate.
I say, an egg. You say, not an egg.
A chick has already hatched,
but you keep saying, not an egg.
Now you see?
They will make a reconnaissance
and leave a purple ball on the Earth.
It's important for us to see
where they're going to hide it.
When they fly away,
we must take that ball.
Where're you going?
They'll kill you.
It seems they're about to fly away.
What shall we do?
- Be quiet.
- It's not me.
Who, then?
It's not nice forgetting old friends.
- Uuuh, it's you!
- Alice.
I'm so happy to see you.
The dragon brought me on his tail
the news that you're here,
and I immediately went looking for you.
I have a very important thing
to tell you.
I forgot.
They're going to leave.
Alice, look!
I'm sorry, Uuuh, but it's necessary.
Oh, what's going to happen?
I wish I knew in what direction
we're flying and at what speed.
Why haven't they left the ball there?
I guess the magician scared them off.
Strange, we seem to be descending.
Yes, that must be the end of me.
Alice, where are you?
Uuuh, come here.
I'm here.
There she is.
- Alice, are you cold?
- A little bit.
- You got scared?
- Yes, that you'll never find me.
Seven miles for a friend is no
big distance.
They've hidden the ball here.
Yeah, it's not easy to lift it.
We have to invent something.
Why invent?
Isn't it something!
Gerasik, you're distracting me.
- Take it, Gerasik, hurry.
- You won't smash me?
You talk too much.
Take it, quick.
Well, Gerasik, how is it?
I saw you putting on the cap of
darkness and getting on the ship.
Well, I thought, Alice is something!
How is our Gromozeka doing there?
We found the ball.
You're a heroic girl.
No, dear Gromozeka,
we all together found it.
Please meet Uuuh,
the magician I told you about.
Nice meeting you.
I'm flattered.
Glad to meet you.
Always at your service,
the wisest Gromozeka.
And now let's go to my place.
You'll see my palace, I'll treat
you to sherbet and ambrosia.
Dear Uuuh, we must hurry,
they wait and worry about us.
Лиловый шар Лиловый шар

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