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should visit the Wanderer.
She will remember it for the rest
of her life.
Thanks, Green.
You're a real friend.
The last resident of that ship
died 26,000 years ago.
Alice, don't go far.
All right.
So it looks like they didn't
know anything but their ship?
They were born, lived and
died here. Terrible.
Yes, they went to other planets
just to rob and kill.
- Alice, where are you?
- I'm coming.
Alice, how many times do I have
to call you?
What's this?
Throw away this foul thing now!
The honorable professor,
I'm getting
the impression
that to some extent,
and perhaps in a great degree,
you've somehow forgot
you had been a child, too.
Seleznyov, immediately
return to the Pegasus.
Return to the Pegasus immediately.
My friends.
- Look what I've found.
- What is it?
This is a recording of the last
minutes of life on the Black Wanderer.
It's all so strange.
And senseless.
Yes, it makes very little sense.
Then why did it happen?
So suddenly...
It happened
when the slave broke the purple ball.
Alice, where's your ball?
In the cabin.
I'll go and bring it.
No, I'll do it myself.
They were heading for the Earth.
Is it accidental or...
Of course, it's not accidental.
They wanted to conquer us.
Don't be silly.
Even a hundred Wanderers
couldn't have conquered the Earth.
It's so difficult with you grownups.
Whatever I say, is silly.
Do you want some tea?
Do you want some tea?
Yes, I think so.
You know
what was in the purple ball?
A virus of enmity.
If it gets in the human's lungs,
the person gets insane
and hates absolutely everything.
He feels like killing.
You don't believe it?
Now we know how
they were conquering other planets.
They sent a reconnaissance
ship ahead of them.
That ship hid the purple ball
somewhere on the planet.
The ball exploded right before
the landing of the Black Wanderer.
Just imagine, people don't suspect
anything, they just live and work.
And suddenly they begin
to hate one another.
And they're warring
until not a single man left.
To think what would have
happened if I broke the ball...
I would have hated Dad,
and Dad would have hated Gromozeka.
And Green would have killed you
for sure.
Alice, are you sleeping?
No, I'm thinking.
How are you, Your Highness?
Gromozeka, I love you
because you're so trustful.
I told you that the frog was
bewitched, and you believed it.
Why shouldn't I
trust you?
You're grownup now,
so you should know everything.
Are they hiding something
from me again?
I found their reconnaissance
ship's journal.
They were flying
to infect with the virus of enmity...
The Earth?
When were they on our planet?
They were there in the era of legends.
Well, it's very good.
What is so good about it?
It means that the ball had rotted
long ago, so we have nothing to fear.
It didn't rot.
It can survive for a million years.
And it didn't explode?
It will explode at 8:45
on August 16, 2087.
Today is the 6th.
So we got
only 10 days.
We have to do something.
Did you tell her?
I told her everything, my colleague.
Green made a decision
to deliver the ball to the Earth
and find an antidote
in case of the explosion.
Attention all! The Pegasus
takes off for the Earth.
Maximal speeding-up.
Take-off in 5 minutes.
- Alice.
- I'm here.
Tell me, please, how do the frogs,
sorry, I mean the princesses,
endure the overloads?
Don't worry,
she'll be in the aquarium.
All take
amortization seats.
Princess, will you please
dive into the water.
Earth, requesting immediate landing.
Clear the spaceport, remove all
ships, we carry a dangerous load.
Earth is copying.
Repeat your information.
We have a dangerous virus onboard.
In this case, your landing
on Earth denied.
Wait for a medical ship
and come through quarantine.
Excuse me, you misunderstood.
It's Professor Seleznyov speaking.
It's an emergency.
We need to land on Earth.
Call the virusologists.
Лиловый шар Лиловый шар

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- текст Бег на английском

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