EndGorky Film Studio THE PURPLE BALL Screenplay by Kir BULYCHYOV Directed by Pavel ARSENOV Director of Photography Sergei TKACHENKO Production Designer Pyotr PASHKEVICH Music by Yevgeny KRYLATOV English Subtitles by T. Kameneva All kinds of bizarre things are there, In this world they come our way, The traces of the past time everywhere, But we are responsible for today. We are to make a house grow In the days to come, remembering the past, Our life is fun and adventure, though, Though it's so tempting, and we just must If only take one single look, One single look at the future age And read, like in a book, What awaits man at that stage. Natasha GUSEVA as Alice Seleznyova Also starring Sasha GUSEV as Gerasik Vyacheslav NEVINNY as Gromozeka Boris SHCHERBAKOV as Seleznyov Vyacheslav BARANOV as Green With Svetlana KHARITONOVA as Baba Yaga lgor YASULOVICH as Kashchei Viktor PAVLOV as Man-eater Sergey NIKONENKO as Horse-eater Vladimir NOSIK as Magician Uuuh Marina LEVTOVA as Frog Princess Moscow time: 7:45. Here is the latest news. Chukotka's farmers have grown a generous harvest of pineapples. The first shipment of the fruit has been sent to kindergartens. Young geologist Kolia Gerasimov discovered on Ganimed a diamond 1foot 8 inches in diameter. How are we doing? All systems of the ship are functioning normally. - Course? - O.K. - Speed? - O.K. - Fuel consumption? - O.K. - Keep it up! - Yes, Captain. And now weather forecast. No precipitation is expected in Moscow today, moderate south-east wind, the temperature - + 18 C. Information for mushroom gatherers. Tomorrow a sunshower is expected, of 22-minute duration. Alice, how soon? Have a little patience. How are we doing? Approaching dead reckoning position. You'll meet your friend, and I'll fly on. We'll expect you back in two months. In 66 days. Yes, in 66 days, 3 hours and 8 minutes. - You're a pedant, Green. - I like precision and order. You had better spent the vacation at the seaside. It would have been good for Alice. She looks pale. But you keep dragging her with you. She was dreaming of this expedition. - A child shouldn't rummage in dust. - I promised her. Everybody please come to the table. Dinner is ready. At last. Alice, you're a genius. I tried my best, it's our farewell dinner. Captain, we're hungry. Please sit down. What? What is this? It's impossible. Don't be scared. She's flying with me. Throw this filth overboard now. It's not filth, it's a frog. And not an ordinary frog, but a bewitched princess. And you wanted to kill her. You wanted to throw her into the black outer space. Excuse us, Your Highness, the captain has awful manners. Alice, why did you bring a frog onto the ship? Daddy, you surprise me. Magician Uuuh from the era of legends gave her to me. It's simple. Seleznyov, doesn't Alice worry you? Some strange fantasies - princesses, magicians. Eat this delicious salad. Alice tried to please you. Bewitched princesses, witches and magicians really could have lived in the era of legends. Nobody saw them. Where have they disappeared then? Don't you know? They became extinct. How do you know about them if they are extinct? From fairy tales. It's simple. Don't be afraid. I put her in a jar. I'm not afraid. Only I've hated since childhood all kinds of worms, frogs and... I'm afraid for you. I think that only love can save her. Sure. But where can we find a worthy prince? Besides, she's so fastidious. It's here again. I can't go on like this. I can't eat a thing. Don't worry, Green. Soon we'll say goodbyes, and you'll again have quiet and your beloved order on the Pegasus. Attention! A spaceship right off our course. There we go. Dad, it is our Gromozeka! The set of coordinates information. Yes, Captain. - Radio contact. - Right, Captain. Gromozeka, this is Pegasus. Seleznyov is on line. Gromozeka,
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