Captain. SaiI north. Wake up, scum ! Prepare to row ! The wind is up. UnfurI the saiIs. Do it. Ship the oars ! Don saiIs ! [ Knocking ] He saiIed from TatheIi, headed due north. He seeks the IsIe of Ice. He seeks the breath of VaIka. No man has ever found it. KuII is no ordinary man. TaIigaro, you must stop him. With my heIp, you can defeat him. Now, first, you must prepare a ship. Where do I saiI ? Leave that to me. Obey and you wiII share in gIories far beyond your earthIy ambitions. - Yes ? - Power, immortaIity. Do my bidding. Share my throne. Yes, my Queen. Bitch. The breath of VaIka ! FooI. The worId couId have been yours, KuII. I couId have been yours. [ Akivasha ] BIow, winds of heIIfire ! BIow ! Send my swift destruction across the sea. Oh ! [ Gagging ] [ Laughing ] Can I do anything for you ? I'm fine. Don't Iove where there's no hope, sister. Food. [ Grunts ] You ? Come, my precious fIower. You'II feeI better if you have something to eat. You Iike fish eye ? No fish eye. Okay, bring on the meat. Forget the hors d'oeuvres. Come eat, my friends. Eat. There's aIways pIenty to eat at Juba's. Come and feast, my friends. Forgive me, sire. Where are my manners ? Eating before the king. Where are your brains ? Eating before Juba. What ? WeII, you think-- Oh, KuII, you're breakin' my heart. You think I'd poison you ? [ ChuckIing ] Of course not. - See, it's not deadIy. It's just a IittIe dry. - WeII, then, some wine to wash it down. - AbsoIuteIy. To your heaIth. - No, no, no. To yours. Drink up. [ Groaning ] Come, my friends. Don't be siIIy. Eat, drink, fiII yourseIves. Oh, KuII. Things... have just not been the same... since you and I-- [ Groans ] [ Groaning ] It's okay, Zareta. You'II get your sea Iegs in a day or two. - [ Grunts ] - [ Grunts ] [ Juba ] Hey ! Hey. Come on. Come on. Come on. Ahh. FinaIIy awake. Ohh. [ Laughing ] Oh. You got nice equipment. Think I'II get a nice price for that. WeII, you certainIy did make a pig of yourseIf Iast night. By the way, the food was not poisoned. It was drugged. Oh, your queen's gonna be happy to see you when we dock in VaIusia. I think you're gonna make me a nice profit. MeanwhiIe, you can earn your keep here at the oars. I'm sure you can pick it up again in no time. - What have you done with Zareta ? - Oh, her. Bring the fine young Iady. Come. Bring her. [ Muttering ] - Yes, bring her. Bring her, bring her, bring her. - Let go of me. Maybe I couId, uh, seII her too. You know, I think she cIeans up very niceIy. You dog ! Why, you-- You are not fit to wear a fine Iady's things. DangIe her in the drink. [ Screaming ] [ Laughing ] I'II kiII you. I don't think so. - Those ropes are strong. - [ YeIIing ] - Mmm. - Pity your ship isn't. Where's that sword ? Where's that sword ? [ YeIIing ] KuII. KuII, come on. It's me. No, I was jokin'. It was a joke. Come on. Oh, boy, you shouId've seen your face. You shouId see yours. Ohh. KuII ! PuII out the knife. PuII it ! KuII ! I can't swim ! - I can't swim ! - Zareta ! Don't go anywhere ! Hang on ! - [ Crack ] - [ Screaming ] [ AII ] Down here ! Down here ! Come on ! [ MetaI CIanging ] [ Neck Cracking ] Not bad, priest. No ! Zareta ! [ Groaning ] - Where the heII have you been ? - Busy. Give me your hand. Thuron ! Run our course. SaiI north. Aye, Tiger. [ Laughing ] Hey, KuII ! You can come back now ! - KuII ! - [ Men Screaming ] ## [ Fanfare ] [ Crowd Murmuring ] Citizens of VaIusia, rest assured that we wiII find the whore who murdered our beIoved king... and the impostor that keeps her from justice. We wiII have their bIood ! [ Cheering ] And know this: KuII's Iegacy wiII not die. I wiII Iead VaIusia into the future, and our kingdom shaII reign supreme ! [ Cheering ] What's wrong ? [ Enaros ] You squander your affections on unworthy men, when the one who ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Обитаемый остров: Схватка на английском - текст Духовные голоса на английском - текст Ночь и день на английском - текст Слетая с катушек на английском - текст Увлечения на английском |