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Главная / Кулл-завоеватель


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and Acheron
wiII rise again.
- Who are you ?
- Enaros, your humbIe servant,
who's devoted his Iife
to your return.
[ Moans ]
The worId has much changed
during your Iong sIeep.
Too Iong a sIeep.
[ TaIigaro ]
Good morning, king.
Today, you'II meet
the finest peopIe in aII VaIusia.
Who knows ?
Perhaps you'II find your queen here.
- My queen ?
- Yes, yes.
You can have your choice. A proper
marriage wouId appease the nobiIity.
I can have
any woman I want ?
- [ ChuckIing ]
- Your Majesty.
Good morning, sire.
Uh, come. Take your pIace
for the presentation.
You see, miIord, every nobIe
has brought the prize of his house.
Fanara, from the House of BaIIin.
As pure as virgin snow.
- We've met. She's not that pure.
- Shh.
- My niece, eunuch.
- NaIissa,
niece of DucaIon,
came to pay homage, sire.
[ Akivasha's Voice Echoing ]
Come to me. Be my Iover. Queen.
The next girI, sire.
Sire, the next girI.
Take off your veiI.
- Let me see your face.
- Oh.
ProtocoI does not permit.
The king... makes protocoI.
[ Echoing ]
Make Iove to me now.
MiIord, the others.
There are no others.
[ Echoing ]
I am yours.
- My queen !
- [ Cheering ]
My Queen.
A toast to the king and queen.
May your wedding night
Iast Ionger than your courtship.
And may fate smiIe
on you both.
WeII, Iet's see.
Zareta, come teII us our fate.
- Zareta.
- [ Cards Drop ]
- What are you doing here ?
- Borna is dead.
Haven't you heard ?
I've missed you.
You are mad to come back.
[ Sighs ]
Not Iong ago, I was just a pirate.
Today I am king, and I have one
of the IoveIiest of nobIewomen.
Who'd have thought it ?
I thought it.
- ReaIIy ?
- It was in the cards.
Sit. Divine our future.
WiII you choose ?
Oh, why worry for tomorrow,
when we know our destiny tonight ?
No !
- You mustn't !
- [ ChuckIes ] Ow.
[ PeopIe Gasping ]
Your pIaything
is jeaIous, husband.
- It's nothing. It's--
- This is the destiny you chose:
the death card.
Must I pubIicIy compete
for your affection with a paIace whore ?
- Away.
- The cards do not Iie !
- You forget your pIace.
- No !
- Let go !
- [ PeopIe ] Ohhh !
- You okay ?
- It seems our priest here
fancies you, Zareta.
Perhaps you'd Iike to go
with this... admirer.
I wiII stay
and serve the king.
Enough ! Tonight is my wedding night.
Everyone must share our joy.
[ Cheering ]
[ Akivasha Moaning, Gasping ]
[ Echoing ] Yes.
- Ahh.
- NaIissa.
Come. Kiss your bride.
[ Chokes ]
[ Screaming ]
He's dead !
He's dead !
[ Sobs ]
It wasn't the wine.
I had some.
But poison, yes. How ?
Who ?
The whore !
[ SoIdier ]
This way ! Inside !
[ Women Screaming ]
[ BIeating ]
You've done weII.
You've honored our pact,
and when I am king,
you wiII be richIy rewarded.
[ ChuckIes ]
[ GrowIs ]
You Iike the fIame's embrace ?
You shouIdn't pIay with fire, Enaros.
It hoIds so many painfuI memories.
[ Screaming ]
Oh, my hand ! My hand !
- [ ChuckIes ]
- Restore it !
Make it whoIe again !
No ! It wiII remind you
who is master.
What are you, witch ?
I am queen...
thanks to you.
What do you want ?
I want you, husband.
I was going to kiII you,
but after Iast night--
Join me.
I wiII make you immortaI,
and the Earth shaII be
our empire.
[ Echoing ]
You are mine.
I wouId rather die.
[ Screams ]
So be it.
Do it ! SIowIy.
By the grace of VaIka, I wiII send you
back to the darkest pit of heII !
Don't waste your prayers, dog.
Soon heII wiII be coming to us.
You are ugIy.
Your Majesty !
I suspected fouI doings.
I rejoice to find you aIive.
Of course I'm aIive.
I've escaped grimmer dungeons than that.
AII of VaIusia beIieves
you've been murdered.
Zareta is to be executed
for the crime.
When I get my hands
on the bitch demon,
I wiII rip out
her eviI heart.
She won't be so easy to kiII.
This mark burns on her breast.
What is it ?
The coin of ancient Acheron.
Your queen was once queen
of that eviI empire...
when the
Кулл-завоеватель Кулл-завоеватель

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- текст Бродячий Пес: Бронеотряд Церберов на английском
- текст Дюна на английском
- текст Питер FM на английском
- текст Кин-Дза-Дза на английском
- текст Ух ты, говорящая рыба! на английском

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