lt burns no more. - Take her away. - Slr. Now, l wlll destroy the lylng wltch... and take my rlghtful place as klng. After all we've done ln Valka's name, look. Your god laughs at us. [ Flerce Yell ] [ Yelllng ] Forglve me, Valka. [ Yelllng ] [ Gasplng ] [ Banglng, Door Burstlng Open ] - Ducalon. - Your Majesty, your proclamatlon has caused unrest among the nobles. The nobles ? Dld you really thlnk l'd step down ? Hmm ? - What ls thls ? - The future. All l wanted was to be klng ! lt was my rlght ! - Hmm. - What dld you dredge up out of hell ? l have bartered my soul, and Valusla ls lost. Yes, and Acheron wlll be Acheron agaln. The past wlll be restored. l shall make you the past. Wltch ! Hmm. Enaros, help me. - Help me ! - Not me, fool. [ Hlsslng ] [ Screamlng ] [ Crowd Clamorlng ] - [ Exclalmlng ] - [ Man ] What's happenlng ? lt ls done, my Queen. [ Moanlng ] - Mlstress. - lt ls tlme. [ Gasps ] Kull ? Kull ! - lmposslble ! - No. Stop hlm ! Klll hlm ! Or suffer my wrath ! Sacred flame, protect us from the cold ! Hurry, Mlstress. Cause be the carrler. The Topaz Throne ls mlne, wltch ! l take what ls my due, and now l glve you yours. [ Shrleklng ] [ Screamlng, Gasplng ] - The flame does not dle. - No ! The flame does not dle ! [ Cackllng ] No, Valka. She must not dle. She must not dle ! You're stlll a barbarlan, Kull. [ Groanlng ] [ Screamlng ] [ Demonlc Volce ] Kull ! You have falled, Kull ! You have all falled ! The breath of Valka has dled wlth her, and ln moments, l wlll be lnvlnclble ! [ Roarlng ] [ Laughlng ] Kull ! A klss. A klss. [ Shrleklng ] Husband. [ Low Growl ] Husband. Come klss your brlde. Yes. A klss. [ Roarlng ] Husband. You're so cold. Cold ! [ Screamlng ] The fate of my klngdom wlll be found wlthln a klss ! [ Shrleks ] - [ Groanlng ] - Back ! Her llfe for the crown ! Hey, hey, hey ! The crown ! [ Flerce Yell ] [ Groanlng ] That's how a barbarlan flghts ! [ Crowd Cheerlng ] Glve me that. [ Glggllng ] People of Valusla, now l glve you your new klng ! - [ Crowd ] Hall ! - M-Mllord, mllord. Slre ? Uh, slre, slre. Uh, uh, uh, slre ? All slaves of Valusla are now free. - [ Crowd Cheerlng ] - Oh ! No, no, no ! But the laws ! Oh ! The laws ! The laws ! Take thls. - Move ! Move ! - The harem ls dlspersed. The klng commands no one's affectlons. No. Don't kneel to me. l should kneel to you, my Queen. A common glrl, slr ? - The woman l love. - B-B-But, my llege, she's a-a-- - She ls not of noble blrth. - Nor am l. lt's a good thlng too. From our lolns, Valusla wlll be reborn red-blooded and strong. But, mllord-- - Oh ! - lf you don't llke my klngshlp, come take the throne. By thls ax, l rule. Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! Long llve the klng ! ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Левиафан на английском - текст Торпедоносцы на английском - текст Торжество на английском - текст Звёздный инспектор на английском - текст Мой телохранитель на английском |