Echoing ] Yes. - Ahh. - NaIissa. Come. Kiss your bride. [ Chokes ] [ Screaming ] He's dead ! He's dead ! [ Sobs ] It wasn't the wine. I had some. But poison, yes. How ? Who ? The whore ! [ SoIdier ] This way ! Inside ! [ Women Screaming ] [ BIeating ] You've done weII. You've honored our pact, and when I am king, you wiII be richIy rewarded. [ ChuckIes ] [ GrowIs ] Psst. You Iike the fIame's embrace ? You shouIdn't pIay with fire, Enaros. It hoIds so many painfuI memories. [ Screaming ] Oh, my hand ! My hand ! - [ ChuckIes ] - Restore it ! Make it whoIe again ! No ! It wiII remind you who is master. What are you, witch ? I am queen... thanks to you. What do you want ? I want you, husband. I was going to kiII you, but after Iast night-- Join me. I wiII make you immortaI, and the Earth shaII be our empire. [ Echoing ] You are mine. I wouId rather die. [ Screams ] So be it. Do it ! SIowIy. By the grace of VaIka, I wiII send you back to the darkest pit of heII ! Don't waste your prayers, dog. Soon heII wiII be coming to us. You are ugIy. Your Majesty ! I suspected fouI doings. I rejoice to find you aIive. Of course I'm aIive. I've escaped grimmer dungeons than that. AII of VaIusia beIieves you've been murdered. Zareta is to be executed for the crime. When I get my hands on the bitch demon, I wiII rip out her eviI heart. She won't be so easy to kiII. This mark burns on her breast. What is it ? The coin of ancient Acheron. Your queen was once queen of that eviI empire... when the worId was cIoaked in darkness and demons ruIed over men. The Red Witch ? Your bride is over 3,000 years oId. - She said she was 19. - She is Akivasha reborn. From the Topaz Throne she wiII bring back ancient Acheron... and open the gates of heII. ''The fate of your kingdom wiII be found within a kiss.'' Comfy ? FIeas. HaIt ! HoId. HoId it there. A guard, Your Majesty. Get away from there ! Come on. Move. [ Sighing ] - Go. Outta my way. - Excuse me. [ Groaning ] [ Man ] You kiIIed the king. You must die ! [ Crowd Booing ] Let's go. [ PeopIe YeIIing, Booing ] [ Sniffing ] Something stinks. WeII, it's not me. It's me. [ Horn BIowing ] [ Horn Continues ] [ Tu ] Ach, the stench ! I think the body's gone ripe. It's a good thing we're burning it. A bit more IiberaI with that incense. May this dog suffer an eternity of pain. - But not today ! - [ Crowd Screams ] Stop him ! HopeIess. Watch out ! - Head for the tempIe ! - This way ! This way ! Let's go ! Hurry ! Who is it ? Who eIse ? [ Laughs ] You desire him. - My passion burns, sIave. - [ Screaming ] CIose the gate ! [ KuII ] Faster ! Get inside. Hurry ! [ Indistinct YeIIing ] Go, go, go ! - Out of my way. - Don't Iet him out ! - [ Screaming ] - [ KuII ] Keep going ! Not good. [ Grunts ] Damn ! Oh, shit ! [ YeIIing ] Oof ! Ohh. - The passage ! - Stop ! In the queen's name, Iay down your arms. In the king's name, Iay down yours. KuII Iives. [ SoIdier Muttering ] Your Majesty ! Sire ! Your Highness. Get up ! I say to you, KuII is dead. And never again wiII a foreigner suIIy our throne. Impostor ! Traitor ! On your feet. [ YeIIs ] Go ! AscaIante ! - What are you doing ? - I can't take a man's Iife. - Now you teII me ? - [ YeIIing ] Put that down ! Go ! Go ! Go ! - Are you aII right ? - I'm okay. Hey ! Just who is this priest to you ? My brother. Brother ? Her brother ? Good. - Hyah ! Hyah ! - Hyah ! Hyah ! Are you deceitfuI or just cIumsy ? You betrayed me. He's not here. You said he was dead ! Remember your pIace ! My pIace is on the throne. What game is this you're pIaying ? The dog knows a few tricks, that's aII. Find him, kiII him, and then we'II ruIe together. No. That was not part of our pact. I have aItered our pact. Pray I do not aIter it further. Move out ! First we deaI with KuII. Then we'II see her festering in ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Белый Бим Чёрное Ухо на английском - текст Темный кристалл на английском - текст Проверка на дорогах на английском - текст Без компромиссов на английском - текст Поздние цветы на английском |