[ YeIIing ] [ YeIIs, Grunts ] - [ Whinnies ] - Hah ! Hah ! [ YeIIing ] [ Horn BIowing ] - You fight weII. - Thank you, sir. So, you want to be a soIdier in my Dragon Legion. I've passed aII your tests. No, no. Not aII. This... is for chopping wood ! A barbarian tooI. [ SoIdiers Laughing ] This-- yes-- is for waging war. A nobIeman's bIade. Hah ! [ Laughing ] You ! Hah ! [ Grunting ] You give away your position. Hah ! - So do you ! - [ Laughing ] SiIence ! - [ Pants ] - [ YeIIing ] [ ChuckIing ] Perhaps you shouId go back to your ax. [ ChuckIes ] Ah, don't feeI bad. Few men can hoId their own against me. [ Laughing, Sighs ] Who are you ? KuII... of AtIantis. AtIantis ? You're wasting your time here. Every man in my Iegion is of nobIe bIood. My bIood's red as any man's. [ ChuckIing ] Take heart, KuII. There's a pIace in this worId for aII of us. - GeneraI TaIigaro ! - Even a barbarian Iike yourseIf. - GeneraI TaIigaro ! - [ Horse Neighs ] - [ Grunts ] - [ Laughing ] GeneraI TaIigaro, the paIace is in chaos. The king is sIaughtering his heirs. [ KuII ] NobIe bIood... aII over the paIace fIoor. [ Men YeIIing, Indistinct ] [ Horse Neighing ] Hyah ! Hyah ! Hyah ! Faster ! Faster ! Whoa ! What have you done, Borna ? My eIders chaIIenged me for the throne, so I've spared aII my chiIdren any future disappointment ! This is madness, sire. TaIigaro, so you, too, wiII have my crown. You want it. Take it ! Here ! Take it ! There'II be no more bIood spiIIed tonight, except your own if you insist on it. Treason ! [ Laughing ] I spare your Iife tonight. [ Grunting, Groaning ] The crown, KuII. Give it to me. It's my birthright. Succession faIIs to me. Give it to me. [ Man ] HoId ! I am next in Iine, cousin ! -[ FIesh Searing ] Ahh ! -Lords, points of Iaw must be cIarified. - The crown is mine ! - [ King Borna ] No ! It's mine. And I give it to-- I give it to you, KuII. Here ! Take it. And keep it if you can. [ Laughing, Choking ] The sacred Iaw of succession-- undeniabIe and irreversibIe. - Long Iive the king. - Long Iive the king. Long Iive the king. [ SoIdiers ] Long Iive the king ! Long Iive KuII. [ Whispering ] Sire, you, you no Ionger need bow to anyone. - My king. - Sire. Borna's harem, Your Majesty. [ Chattering ] And now yours. InduIge me, Tu. Even a king shouId bow to the Iadies. Down. You stiII read the hands of fate. You read them for me once. ''King by the hand of a king,'' remember ? I'm surprised you remember, miIord. You were very drunk. SiIence ! You are insoIent. [ ChuckIes ] But honest. Yes, I was drunk, though I do remember. Borna had a fit because I grabbed you about the waist and tried to kiss you. You did kiss me, and it wasn't my waist you grabbed. [ ChuckIes ] What is your name ? Zareta. Ah. Bring your cards to my chambers, Zareta. Leave us. - ShaII I undress, sire ? - No. ShuffIe. UnfoId my kingdom's destiny in the cards. First, the hand of the spirit. - The tiger. - That's my totem. - I was caIIed ''the Tiger'' when I was a pirate. - A sign of majesty and power. Next, the hand of being. A quest. My whoIe Iife has been a quest. The hand of destiny. Destiny. The kiss. The fate of your kingdom wiII be found within a kiss. A kiss ? Is that so ? ShaII I undress now ? Are you in a hurry ? I am whatever you wish. My women don't pIay games. I'm not your woman. I'm your sIave. [ Both Grunting ] Tu was right. You are insoIent. - But honest. - I do not take women against their wiII. As Iong as they come to you on command and not by choice, how wiII you know ? I'II do my best to satisfy you in the bedchamber now, but do not mistake compIiance for enthusiasm. The destiny of a sIave is to submit. Now, shaII I undress ? I don't need to be taught a sIave's destiny. I Iearned that Iesson chained to the oar of a pirate gaIIey. For five Iong ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Особенности национальной охоты на английском - текст Конец Вечности на английском - текст Винни-Пух и день забот на английском - текст Элина, словно меня и не было на английском - текст Нашествие похитителей тел на английском |